Grandpa's Kitchen


fantastic, I love the lighting


Great work. I love the lighting and the vintage theme going on. :grinning:

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love the color tones!

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Very nicely done!

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Nice moody kitchen, a perfect reminder of the old times. Nitpicking, i know, but “Dalli Dalli” started in 1971, but the calendar is from 1969. Maybe grandpa has just forgotten to buy an actual calendar.

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Wow, very well done! I love the lighting and textures, the water on the floor, very detail and realistic!

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twas bored and had a photo editor open

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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I love the lighting, the attention to detail and the overall atmosphere. This is a great achievement.

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Great mood. Would love to have a coffee there right now.

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Thank you, Bart! That’s a nice start into 2024!

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Nice work :clap:

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Congrats for being in top 5. Grandpa’s kitchen was my favorite in intarch category.



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Thank you Sinisa! I’m really proud to have made it to the top 5, especially since I hadn’t expected so much love for my recent works. This is really a motivation to keep going!

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And by the way: Congrats to you for making it to 2nd! I just noticed that you’re the guy wit the Parisian Apartment. It’s really well done! I voted for it!

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sheesh such a beautiful lighting man , what was ur lighting setup :smiley:

Thank you :grinning:

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Thank you! I used an HDRI off Polyhaven (laufenurg_church_4k.exr) with a strength of 5. Also an area light off camera to the left with a strength of 0.3 and, of course, the lights you see in the picture.