Online Accelerator add-on

Hi, just for info, i tested RayPump on Opensuse 12.3/64 today and got it working without problems. :slight_smile:
I used the scene 3/night from eMirage to compare your system with my workstation.

RayPump render the scene in:
21 Minutes

My GTX 550Ti + GTX 560Ti 448 render the scene in:
101 Minutes

Very good result and i am save to not roast my cards during summer time. :slight_smile:
My system is also unusable during rendering.
One question:
I got no info about render is finished or download is finished, after 45 minutes i try to download and the file was rendered.
Terminal info was “total render time: 20:59”
It would be nice to get this info in the app directly.
The app shows still “Starting download”.

Very helpful application and easy to use too,
cheers mib.

@mib2berlin: glad to hear it is working with Open Suse - great news.

Important news:

  • There is small update available for Windows and Linux - 0.92
  • Things are little shaky at the moment (due to changes on server side) - so PLEASE take a look at main page, at the Service Status box - it contains helpful tips of what you should expect :slight_smile:
  • Bad news: my MacBook has just said good-bye. I was going to make a Mac release upcoming week, but this is not going to happen so soon :frowning: Sorry Mac users - it is a real bummer; Still - I believe we should have Mac version this month…

Hi SuperMelon!

Great software! Though I encountered a problem. One of the parts in the scene looks as if its normals are inverted. However, it doesn’t occur when I render the scene locally on my machine.

Below is a side-to-side comparison. The first one is rendered on my machine, while the other using RayPump:

Local render:

RayPump render:

Hi Daccy, glad to hear you like it, also thanks for feedback.

I haven’t seen that kind of issues in any tested scenes (maybe I’ve just missed it).

Have you tried to run your local scene on GPU? Or is it CPU render? Maybe this is something GPU specific, not sure.
If you want, you can provide me problematic geometry - and I’ll see what comes out, OK?

I sent a scene to be rendered a few days ago but still haven’t received the final render.

Blender 2.67 on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

If that was few days ago - it is not there for sure, as service was updated and restarted several times since. Try sending job again, things are pretty stable today. Once you got “Job scheduled” message you know it on its way :slight_smile:

Do you have a plan to extend it to render with Yafaray ?

Not likely. First we have to develop a solid and flexible framework for data handling. That alone is a challenge - and I’m somewhere in a halfway, maybe 75% at best…

Putting third party software into the mix would cause more problems than benefits, at least at this moment. I’m aware that Yafaray, Mitsuba. Lux and other render engines are great.

But still - not RayPump’able in near future :confused:

Thank you for the reply!

I can’t actually render this particular scene on my GPU - it’s simply to heavy, even when using instances. The parts are constructed in Autodesk Inventor and exported as .STL, so the geometry is quite dense.

Again, it seems to render fine on my end (apart from lack of sufficient GPU memory), it’s only when I’m using RayPump that the normals appear inverted, at least in that particular scene.

I also made a seperate scene, including only the problematic part. This time though everything looked normal. I’m not at home right now, so I can’t provide you with the blend-file. But I’ll make sure to upload it once I get back. =)

By the way, is it possible that the scene is somehow corrupted, hence why the problem occurs?


as a little advice I would not export those models as STL.

I would try to export them as STEP or openNURBS and then in MOI (Moments of Inspiration) mesh them into OBJ with using the NGON option. This will trim down the amount of polygons drastically and only add more mesh density where you need it.

If you dont want to buy it and it is a one time for your you I can also do the convert for you.
Send me an email at info at ckbrd dot de if you are in need :wink:

but you cant afford a farm after you bought your mac

You try to troll really hard don’t you :wink:

its the only thing i have left!

Actually, we’re currently working for several clients, so I would prefer a more fluent workflow. I downloaded the trial verison of MOI, and while it’s very simple to use, there’s apparently an option in Inventor where you can dicrease the resolution of the STL-file, which happens to yield similar results as with MOI. But thank you anyway! =)

@SuperMelon - You got a PM!

If you often work with CAD data the MOI mesher really is the best way to go, better than Inventor or Rhino. But as long as there is no support for imported vertex normals in rendering these meshes in Blender will always be a PITA.

Hi, just tested out some quick scenes on RayPump and was pretty pleased with the results (I usually render on a Q6600. heh). Some questions; RayPump does not seem to be working with particle systems in general (at least for me), is that intentional? Also the standalone application does not have a tray icon texture (using Windows). But it’s free! Awesome!

As I mentioned earlier, It’s not very convinient for me to export to MOI and then to Blender, especially when dealing with many parts, such as assemblies. The settings for the STL exporter are somewhat limited, but it does its job. I managed to reduce the resolution by half without losing significantly in detail. =)

I can also confirm that. It’s visible while the main window is open. As soon as it’s minimized, it disappears from the tray, and only reappears when a notification pops up.

I’ll have to investigate ‘no tray icon’ - what version of Windows you use?

As for particles system - this is also an issue to investigate - I’ve never checked if that works with my test scenes :o

Important news: service will be off-line for today. I have to make some important changes on server-side. So schedule all your testing for tomorrow! :eyebrowlift2:

It occured for me on Windows 7 64 Bit.

I’ll have to investigate ‘no tray icon’ - what version of Windows you use?

Same for me and Im on Vista.