Packing points along Z


I have been scratching my head on how to solve this problem.

Let’s say that I have a mesh line and I would like to move the lowest point close o the highest point, but the idea is going up by “packing” the lower points as it goes up and not all the the same time, think like a blind system where when is closing it, the bottom blades start packing.

I think that using loop (from latest blender release) would be logical, but what about doing it on 3.3?

Is there a way to accomplish it using geometry nodes?


Have a look here,

Hope that helps


Thank you, I will check it out :slight_smile:

Good luck.


That’s great thank you.
I did try another method (following the link) where I delete points of the main line and create a pack of duplicate elements under it and swapping the amount of slats between them.