Painter loft

Good work, nice textures,modeling, good rendering skills with Octane.

:eek:BWAWAAWAWA:eek: enrico sir you’r renders are always awesome … i beg you to explain the texturing process…

I get a kind of Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy feel towards the apartment. Cool job, this is very influencing. For what? I have no idea.

Holy cow! Very inspiring and detailed work! Especially the scene with the oranges; simply beautiful!

Thanks again to everyone,

@rusted:Indeed DL means direct lighting and Octane offers two mode, one without GI which is mainly an AO result and one with some GI which is faster than Pathtracing and provides great results in many situations.

:yes:… fantastic work man…

So good that you have to find something to convince yourself that it’s rendered … like the tiny detail that paint tubes from the same line would not have both black AND white caps! Admit it you threw that in for graphic variety, not verisimilitude. When work is this good it invites that sort of study.

I am just inspired to take make realistic cg renders.

This is, simply, stunning!!! If I did not know better…I’d swear these were photos.

To say that this is outstending work is an understatement.

Words cannot describe how good this is. Awesome!!!

This is just…I have no words.Just beautiful.

Looks amazing! These photos are of expert work!

Super amazing. Octane does his job well.

Very nice images. YOu know texturing for sure!


Very nice. Looks real.

renders better than my camera

The textures are amazing and so realistic! :slight_smile: amazing work :slight_smile:

Just … Wow! Good job! Did you render this with a render farmer?