PBR Materials 3


All materials are Principled based except for Translucent and Volume materials
Removed Light materials
Added: Cloth, Particles, Velvet, Light dielectrics and Gallium, Molybdenum, Pewter, Rhodium, Tin, Vanadium, Zinc, Pot metals
Fixed error when there is no material in the slot
Removed Textures button
Auto Updater


Nice!!! Thanks!!!

Thank you for your hard work

Excellent job!
Thank you kindly for sharing :slight_smile:


Thank you very much. This will definitely save me a lot of time.

Thanks for usefull thing

Incredibly useful and very generous! Thanks very much!

What is the point in plugging RGB node into Subsurface Radius vector (example: Snow)?

To tint the scattered light. Or, to put it more accurately, to lengthen light rays of certain colors so that they go further, and therefore dominate the returned light. For example, you’d use a red color in Subsurface Radius to simulate the SSS of skin. Water ice and snow bends light toward blue, so blue-tinted SSS makes snow look much more realistic.

Exactly, the RGB Node is for the color of scattered light and the SubSurface color input is the Albedo. See the example in the Skin shader

The skin shader wont work out of the box.
Scatter is at 1 and with a normal size human (a head is like 20 cm tall) in blender it is just not right, also if you put an rgb node to the radius of the scattered light you loose all the information above 1, so, not sure it is the right choice.

Why removed light materials?

Thank you very much

Tonatiuh, it is the correct way of using SSS, if you go with using Base and SubSurface Colors, then you will have bad and not correct results… look at this LINK

Ozbend, we removed all the light materials because they were not correct

Will you add them later?

I agree Tonatiuh. For the Principled BSDF - one needs to use the scattering radius to control the SSS radius. By plugging the RGB you lose the control of SSS depth.

By the way, do you know how to get correct real-world scale of SSS depth (say 5mm or 10mm) in Blender (some application like Modo has it)?

PBR Materials Addon 3.1 released!


All the materials have now correct physical values
New Materials: Atmosphere, Bark, Blood, Carbon, Chalk, Cloud, Coal, Curtain, Dirt, Ocean
Changes: Velvet to Satin, Anisotropy rotation for Pot, Cloth sheen and sheen tint​

Hi, the link is down.

Thank you for your effort.

It seems that the website has been a little bit modified. Here is the new addon’s page, with a big “Download” link in the middle.