Pentecostal Church Interior (with post-edits)

Hi all,

Thought I would share my latest church interior renders. Some elements were borrowed from my previous project (which you can see here).

I decided to try a different approach to the pulpit and baptistry, where the pulpit is now up with the choir gallery, standing directly above the baptistry. Access to the baptismal font is from a narrow corridor from both sides, partly hidden by angled wooden panels.

Rendered at 600 samples in Cycles, denoised by the denoising node.

All comments, critique and suggestions are most welcome!

UPDATE: New renders, with some post editing

Previous renders:


This is so beautiful. May I use your rendering as background for my church’s online service? We are shooting with green screen, and this is just so beautiful. (Our church building is not nearly as majestic and beautiful as this one). :slight_smile:

I will of course give you credits (just let me know what to write as way of credits). Please let me know. Thank you.


Thank you for your kind response,

Sorry for my late reply, I haven’t visited the forum as frequent lately.

You are most welcome to use any of the renders for church production, as long as your church teaches sound Biblical Christianity.

Credits are not needed, I take joy in knowing that my work can be utilized to preach the Gospel of Christ.

Would you be so kind and link to your online service if the renders are used in any production? It would be fun to see how they are implemented.

God bless!

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Thank you so much. We are using this as a green screen replacement for the speaker / pastor that’s speaking. – here is a still of the video for your preview.

We are a Baptist/Evangelical church in Indonesia, and yes, the church does teach Biblical Christianity.

Thank you again.

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Hey can i use something like this for my church

You are most welcome to use any of the renders for church production, as long as your church teaches sound Biblical Christianity.

Credits are not needed, I take joy in knowing that my work can be utilized to preach the Gospel of Christ.

Would you be so kind and link to your online service if the renders are used in any production? It would be fun to see how they are implemented.

God bless!

Whats the total seating capacity for this