Perfect studio setup test

These are awesome, keep 'em coming!

Thank you photox I love your steam punk wip btw.

Here is the perfect car mat. Coming soon some organic tests, trees and food and fruit and perfect sculpts.

Another quick test, maybe the paint shader is too flat/diffuse?

hm ive been a car painter, and nice paintwork is more like glass the surface, it needs some reflections.
And if metalic, some other veranoi tricks.
There are also pigments that take color of suroundings, i dont think i’ve ever seen it done in blender, its a perl effect; more expensive then metalic paint jobs. it would be nice to see that, those paints take certain area color spectrums greens / bleus /…etc from their surrounding. (skye, grass etc…).

Also the wheels may look more metalic

Thanks razorblade you’re right I’m going to work on my car shader. In the mean time I’ve decided to explored dynotopo.

I basically used the base model (see above) and then added clay layers to sculpt her.

And seeing as I have spent £0 on blender I decided to shell out on the retopoflow addon from blender cookie. Wow, I can really see this speeding up retopoying high poly sculpts ready for posing and game play etc. Definitely worth the money. I’m going enjoy playing with this. :smiley:

Another quick sculpt (warning contains nudity).

***Edit removed not part of perfect studio tests, so added to my sketchbook.

Hi guys,

I wanted to test blender freestyle with a few different effects. Not happy totally happy with the final render settings so won’t attach final blend until it is just right. And I’m determined to get the gribble effect working in blender. I’ve seen a few ideas using the hair particle system which seems to avoid memory starvation. Stay tuned for awesomeness folks. :wink:

Still not happy with performance but meh. I used dupliverts and like mentioned my machine almost dies with memory starvation even with 8gb of ram. It’s not fun to work with, and requires a lot of patience. Perhaps using the particle system may offer slight improvement. Feel free to tinker and add different image textures.

If you are tinkering make sure to turn of subdivision visibility in the viewport (small eye icon), then turn it back on to render. Why not post your creations, I’d love to see them.

gribble3.blend (1.17 MB)

Many thanks for sharing your material/environment setups.

Cheers !

No worries!

Please find attached my perfect comic book style test, thanks to argent 108 for the idea. Who said blender internal is no use anymore?

comic.blend (1 MB)

Happy Blend!

In light of the recent upcoming ted movie I decided to work on my teddy bear material. Not quite an exact likeness, but not too bad either, I think you’ll agree. If anyone wants to play with the material settings rig him and give him a bottle of beer and a hookah pipe feel free. Blend file attached. Perfect hair tests coming shortly folks.

Oh and I haven’t forget my perfect sculpt thread, just need to get my ass into gear and organise myself. :no:

ted-2.blend (1.82 MB)

Having fun with my gpu, it makes fur tweaking so much easier, shame I have to break out windowxp for testing. Maybe I might rig him eh? I’m sure it will be fun.

ted-better.blend (1.9 MB)

Fantastic resource you’ve created here. Bookmarked. :slight_smile:

Hi guys, so there has been a lot of buzz surrounding renderman at the moment. The following is my opinion on the matter. Whilst it is a production renderer this won’t affect you. Simply because the benefits come from having massive geometry that you typically see in motion picture shots, and a CPU renderfarm. We as hobbyist artists will probably never need such things.

To me the renderer is much slower than cycles, and this is like taking a step back. With GPU support nothing beats the speed of cycles. Also it requires learning yet another tool chain. I absolutely hate this and avoid it wherever I can, the same goes with the game engine.

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I personally won’t be using renderman any time soon. :yes:

I’m sticking with cycles. Here is a tongue in cheek homage to renderman. Rendered in cycles of course. Scene attached.

monsters-plastic.blend (3.15 MB)

Another simply test, I found plugging the bump node into the ‘height’ node creates a nice displacement effect. Bump map attached, this can be made by simply baking the textures out. I really should pack the textures into the blend files for you all but I’m too lazy :wink:

floor2.blend (1.35 MB)

Credit goes to Martin uptis for his wonderful work. I urge you to check out easy game by mike pan. His collaboration with Martin is gold. Included here for completion so all these resources are in one thread.

Maybe you might want to add some generic GUI controls to his work to quickly change your environment game engine. Well I’ll leave that to you to figure out. Python scripting is the dogs. Screw you unreal engine! LOL :rolleyes:

water_0.99_optimized.blend (1.29 MB)

Perfect Flare tests in BGE credit goes to Martin Uptis again.


flare_playground_3.blend (2.02 MB)

This is mainly for my reference but I think others will find it useful.

First off, showing the console window in the BGE, important if you don’t want to run blender from the terminal, like in Macosx or linux. It creates an run script option in the scripting window under console > run script.

bl_info = {    "name": "Run Script in PyConsole",
    "author": "CoDEmanX",
    "version": (1, 0),
    "blender": (2, 67, 0),
    "location": "Python Console > Console > Run Script",
    "description": "Execute the code of a textblock within the python console.",
    "warning": "",
    "wiki_url": "",
    "tracker_url": "",
    "category": "Development"}

import bpy

def main(self, context):
    text =
    if text is not None:
        text = "exec(compile(" + repr(text) + ".as_string(), '" + + "', 'exec'))"

class CONSOLE_OT_run_script(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Run a text datablock in PyConsole"""
    bl_idname = "console.run_code"
    bl_label = "Run script"

    text = bpy.props.StringProperty()

    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.area.type == 'CONSOLE'

    def execute(self, context):
        main(self, context)
        return {'FINISHED'}
def get_texts(context):
    l = []
    for area in context.screen.areas:
        if area.type == 'TEXT_EDITOR':
            text = area.spaces[0].text
            if text is not None and text not in l:
    return {'visible': [ for t in l],
            'invisible': [ for t in if t not in l]}

class CONSOLE_MT_run_script(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = "Run script"
    bl_idname = "CONSOLE_MT_run_script"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        texts = get_texts(context)
        visible, invisible = texts['visible'], texts['invisible']
        if not (visible or invisible):
            layout.label("No text blocks!")
            if invisible:
                for t in invisible:
                    layout.operator(CONSOLE_OT_run_script.bl_idname, text=t).text = t
            if visible and invisible:
            if visible:
                for t in visible:
                    layout.operator(CONSOLE_OT_run_script.bl_idname, text=t, icon='VISIBLE_IPO_ON').text = t
def draw_item(self, context):
    layout = self.layout

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Write to file script (writes a file to current blend directory)

``` import bpy import os import random

def my_funct(b):
strg = “”
for x in range(1,b):
strg = strg + str(random.randint(1,9))
return strg

filepath =
directory = os.path.dirname(filepath)

hey = ‘/test.txt’

file = open(directory+hey,‘w’)

tmp = my_funct(10)



BGE logic controlled with python instead of logic bricks

</b><a class='attachment' href='/uploads/default/original/4X/0/9/a/09ad062b3278fbb9e0cd1ab21d5a554e618336db.blend'>script-test.blend</a> (513 KB)

Not sure if i follow but plugging a texture into height is how bump is supposed to work