Phoenix Smith's Sketch Book

Hi all,
Latest project was quick and fun. :slight_smile: It is a robot probe/droid inspired by Star-Wars and the US drone program.:wink: Anyways rendered in Cycles. SDRA- (Search and Destroy Remote Automation) Stealth Probes are small droids meant for search and recon missions. Mostly they are just for monitoring and infiltrating, but they also can be remotely detonated, which while causing small damage can be useful for assassinations and sabotage. Post pro (there was lots of it) was done all in the compositer. Enjoy! (Also please click the image for the undistorted version as it was originally rendered at a larger size.)


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Some more beauty shots-



New Cycles fun-


Can you guess what competition this is for? (It is not Mr Priceโ€™s ;))


Yes!!! Sites back up! :wink: Some updates on my robot combat walker-

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Some abstract randomness-


Laser gun test with audio and halos. Rendered in BI (because of halos ;))

Must pull sketchbook back to first page!!! Ha, just kidding (not really :evilgrin:) I ran out of inspiration for the walker and failed to enter in the competition :frowning: But, here are some game models I am working on. :smiley:


These are for a top down shooter hence the no treads! :wink: Some crates (only four faces!) and screenies of current gameplay-


Dude, get in my chat:

Hmmmm, I actually donโ€™t have a Devianart account yet, but I will make one. :slight_smile: More for โ€œTanksโ€ My work flow for these models is Model, Unwrap, AO, Texture, Bake, program, Done!


Mines!!! :slight_smile:

Sculpting, and hardsurface modeling WIP (Retopo in Zbrush)-

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Thatโ€™s so cool! Keep up the good work.

Awesome game ideas!

WIP Sculpt render in BI (for the first time in a year ;)). Dyntopo<Zremesher<Bake<Multires<Bake<Materials I still need to work on eyes and the material needs a lot of work. :slight_smile:


658 Verts Lowpoly Spacecraft. :slight_smile: Taking a small break from making ground vehicles for Tanks.


Texturing is almost done! (and awesome!) :wink: I would appreciate feedback on what you all think. :smiley:

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In space-

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