Photo to PBR texture

Hi Correct-Syntax,
Thanks for asking. I’d love to be able to create most PBR maps (e.g. roughness, metalness, specular, height, ambient occlusion etc.). Thanks for taking the time to ask :slight_smile:.

Thanks for the answer. I am on Ubuntu, so it should work fine. But there is only version 0.3 for Linux.

Ah, I see. I think I accidentally uploaded the v0.3 build for linux instead of the 0.4 version. So, you are right about not being able to download it for Linux. Thank you for letting me know about this. :slight_smile:

I am currently on limited bandwidth (and thus have a hard time doing too much uploading too often) and plan to release v0.4.2 soon. Therefore, if you’re willing to wait a little I will have the newest version up (which has huge improvements over v0.4). I’ve considered adding a few of the PBR map nodes as well but I may need to leave that for a future release.

I am really sorry about this. I will try to make sure I upload the right one from now on.

An option would be to build it from source, but maybe you would rather wait for the next release.

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Sure. I will look into that. :slight_smile:

Of course this is not a problem at all. So I wait until 0.4.2 is out. I think it is great that you include texture nodes, I am looking for a good replacement for but with 3d preview. But I like the idea to do post pro with it because the Blender compositor is very slow. I think it is important that it is not too overloaded. MaterialMaker is already overload for me, so I can stay in the Cycles editor. TexturLab comes very close to But I can’t even load images into it. is the fastest version yet. So my hope is completely on Gimmel. :crazy_face:

Yeah, my goal with Gimel Studio is to streamline it for things like image compositing & post-processing (similar to Blender’s compositor). I originally added the Normal Map node just to show how flexible the Python scripting API is, but I am definitely going to look into adding nodes for generating texture maps. 3d preview could be possible in the future too.

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I am not sure if any of you are on Github, but if you are -feedback is appreciated. :slight_smile:

Just open a new issue in the issues tab on the repo for feature suggestions, bug reports, etc.

I have a quick question: I have a GitLab account and I’m not sure if it is possible to open an issue on Github.

I am not sure about that. Feel free to email me, though. You can find my email on my contact page, here. :grinning:

for any users interested I have developed an add-on which automates the process of generating PBR texturest from flash photos and includes 2 machine learning aproaches and the already mentioned Compositor approach. This is my first Blender addon so any feedback is much appreciated.