Physical Starlight and Atmosphere Addon for 2.9 (v1.4) - now with Clouds!

Thanks for consider adding it.

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Hi Martin,
vertical distribution it looks promising!
However, from the demos i get the impression the horizontal distribution is very uniform, e.g. a sunset with the same reddish horizon 360 degrees around. Is this currently a limitation or do you have parameters to get this right?
Clouds i will look up in the FAQ - but is there any chance to get non-uniform fog (according to topology, maybe brushed in or modeled) in the future?



if you fly frequently you’ll notice that the atmosphere is non-uniform. It resembles color banding artifact. higher you go, more noticable it becomes.

theoretically atmosphere consists of troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere (plus exosphere) and a weather layer plus pollution and other earosols closest to the surface. each layer has distinct characteristics and contents. The transition between those are quite pronounced.

here is the popular image from nasa with the original quote:


Earth’s atmosphere has five layers between the surface of the planet and space. In this image of the Shuttle Endeavor approaching ISS in 2010 we can see the Troposphere (Orange), the Statosphere (White), and the Mesosphere (Blue) from the light of the sun. The next two layers out are the Thermosphere and Exosphere. The Thermosphere is the atmospheric layer in which ISS orbits and the Exosphere is the beginning of true deep space.


I’m aware of those layers and I’ve actually build physics simulation to simulate airfoils accurately from deep ocean to high altitude and I calculate densities, temperatures, pressures, viscosities from water and air.

I have not thought that those regions are visually distinct… But this is 15min job to implement with color ramp where I export densities from physics model.

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What are you going to use this for @martinsh?


I’m actually making addon that overlaps yours in some parts… I’m not focusing on those space boundary things, it will be intentionally only flat earth model to keep all flat earthers happy! Or just for simplicity :stuck_out_tongue:

My focus is to bake backgrounds (sky, clouds, aurora, sun, background hills from satellite data, weather…) and aerial shot simulation. Camera only needs to rise up couple of km to avoid troubles with earth curvature.

Scope is a bit different.


Oh, and one important thing… I’m not making whole sky model. I base my work on that excellent Hosek-Wilkie model that cycles offers.

It limits elevation to few kilometers and that can be done by calculating sun and sky luminance how height affects.

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Color ramp would not work in my case, I`m not using Blender volume. I have to use a parametric analytical sphere with inverse squared density attenuation model. Then I stack them on top of each other with exponentially decreasing densities.


I can see that color ramp directly to mesh doesn’t work :slight_smile:

Hi Martin!,
I hope the clouds feature in your addon would be like this:

Looking forward to it
Greetz JW


Hey all,
documentation page is up!
Everything is work in progress, but the important bits are there already.


Fantastic! Looking forward to using this feature in our planetarium in San Francisco.


that looks lovely, the cloud painting brush is a nice tool for artists :slight_smile:

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@martinsh Perfect for NPR rendering, real HDRIs always look off, but this saved the day again.


I asked before about it, but I believe I didn’t see a reply on it.
In EEVEE, Environment light (and also HDRI’s) doesn’t! cast shadows. And sunlight could give extra complications in EEVEE.
How is that arranged or solved in this addon? I am planning to buy the addon, but if it works for a big part with enviroment light and sunlight…

What do you mean extra complications? I use sunlight together with HDRI but in my workflow, I generate HDRI or use photo.

I use mainly EEVEE. In EEVEE, the environment light (and also HDRI’s) don’t cast shadows. See for example here:

Or see here: Eevee lighting issues - #9 by eklein

About sunlight in EEVEE, see for example: (use Ctrl+F to search for Sun, example: With these settings on a point light instead of a sun together with the general settings we did earlier we should be able to handle most artifacts as long as our walls have some thickness.

I know that environment light and HDRI doesn’t cast shadows, so in Eevee you must have light source and ambient occulsion, and perhaps baked lightmap too for static things.

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This thread is about the physical Starlight and Atmosphere Addon for 2.8 which claims its suitable for Cycles as well as for EEVEE. It looks good and I am interested to buy it.

But…we both now that Environment light and HDRI’s doesn’t cast shadows in EEVEE and Sunlight needs extra attention in EEVEE or some recommend to use other lights instead. (several articles, videos).

So that is my question: How does this addon deal with enviroment light and sunlight in EEVEE. I have the impression that the addon is based on environment light and sunlight.

If your (@GruntAxeman) answer is: In EEVEE you need light (lamps) , how does that match with the addon that claims to work with EEVEE? Does the addon use lights (lamps) in EEVEE then? Or how?

As far as I know you deal with it the same as with a regular hdri+sun lamp. You will get no shadows from the sky and shadows from the sun as usual, the only advantage here is that the addon will place the sun in the same spot of the sun of the environment light. If you want shadows from the sky in eevee you need to bake them as usual.

That said, the benefits of this addon is the superior realism and quality of the procedural sky, including atmospheric effects as fog, which works both on eevee and cycles.

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