Help please.
When I hit shift+s now I’m getting this pie menu:
it used to be a regular menu.
How can I get the regular menu back?
Help please.
When I hit shift+s now I’m getting this pie menu:
it used to be a regular menu.
How can I get the regular menu back?
Oh neat, that’s actually really cool.
You realise a pie menu works exactly like a normal menu, right.
Seriously? Oh my goodness. I hate pie menus with all my strength.
I guess I’m doomed then, since I’m alone here.
I think that currently if you disable Pie menu for Shift+S from user preferences, then it does not call regular menu.
I really hope that developers implement regular menus in parallel for all the same options that are being implemented for Pie Menus, so user can disable Pie Menu and get regular floating menu window.
They really must understand that we are not all the same and that there are users who feel very uncomfortable with Pie Menus. So if this is not very difficult to implement, please implement regular menus again as an alternative.
Yeah, seriously.
It functions exactly the same when used the same way.
How you even have the courage to say that? Please stop.
You are not alone. I also I’m not a fan of pie menus, so yes, I wish there was a way to toggle all pie menus off so we could use the regular ones.
press menu button
move mouse to desired option
click mouse button
What do you mean by that? I have bad memory to remember some things (that’s why I love shortcuts that are related to the first letter of the name of the tool/action). So I can hardly remember the location of where a Pie Menu “button” is located, so it’s a waste of time to quickly find what I’m looking for. On the other hand, regular menu under the mouse is much more useful “for me”.
Again, I’m not saying that Pie Menus is not excellent and really cool for many users. I just ask regular menu as an alternative, please.
It’s as if Pie menu fans were being inconsiderate with us that we did not feel comfortable with Pie Menu . Just be open-minded and think that we do not all have the same capabilities. We are not even against Pie Menu expansion. Just asking for an alternative, which even already existed before.
Related: the original snap menu is available in the 2.7x keymap.
But then you know I’ve been saying that’s not a viable excuse for anything, except the shoe is now on the other foot.
William even replied in the task xrg linked.
the nice thing is that you don’t have to use them via a gesture. If you just tap the key like normal, the pie menu opens and waits for you to click on an item. They only become gestural if you hold down the key.
In case it’s still unclear, this is what I mean, it works like a menu.
With this kind of testimonies It looks like Pie Menu fans were afraid that Pie Menu is not implemented. You remain calm, it will be implemented, there is a complete draft task on developers site. And this again returns to the ideology of: you do not like it because you have not tried it enough. Do not be simplistic, we must admit that people may have different capacities to better adapt to one or another methodology.
Believe me, I have tried and I have explained many times why I find this uncomfortable.
Anyway, if developers do not implement alternatives and they force us to use Pie Menu, I will use them no matter if I find it uncomfortable, my cries will end and I will continue to love blender developers as always. But that is not the point of the matter.
Awesome! \o/
You’re right.
Not in the sense that this should be a normal menu, but in the sense that Blender should have the capability to present any menu either as a list or as a pie based on user preference. It’s time this was generalized. The current piecemeal approach looks like a dead end to me, with nobody really happy in the end.
It’s also editable the same as any keyboard shortcut, here’s the pie menu
here’s the normal menu
That reminds me how unpractical are default menus / pie menus. Do people really use Selection to Active, Selection to Cursor (without Offset), separate Cursor to Selected / Cursor to Active that often? Same for Set Origin menu, Geometry, Center of Mass Surface, Center of Mass Volume. They all still could be accessed from operator T panel / F6 menu if you selected wrong option.
I think Cursor / Origin menus could be easily merged without much loss of functionality and easily accessed from Shift+S (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+C is just insane thing to press often).
Haha, really? There’s even a task called “more pie menus”?
Well, I guess it’s hopeless then.
So yeah, @ThinkingPolygons I guess we’re doomed.
Of course for rigging it’s the most important tools for example cursor to selected and selection to cursor it’s massively important for rigging
As a rigger Iam a big fan of this
Thanks. It seems like there’s still some sanity hidden there.
ive always been a bit of a menu guy…
however a well done pie goes a long ways. But if everything was a pie then… thats too many pies. Power snapping pies is my favorite pie. It prevents me from having to use the ancient death claw technique called ctrl + shift + alt + c which is arthritis incarnate.
One of the things I hated in 2.79 was ctrl + tab in object mode activating weight paint.
Of all the areas to go weight paint was probably at the end of that list.
2.8 now has a pie at ctrl + tab which i feel corrects it altogether.
But tab still goes into edit mode which is great imo. Because tab is very intentional when i use it.
However if tab brought up a mode pie. I would be taken aback because it would break my current flow.