Hey I would never want to be accused of slandering Blender. I think it’s utterly amazing and spend much of my time on here defending it. The sculpt tools are fantastic too and incredible work can be done with them. There are examples of that posted here every week. But Blender is a specialised and comprehensive animation and digital media creation platform. Zbrush is a highly specialised sculpture application that has had years of refinement and development towards that aim and still is very much on it’s own planet for that. It’s not fair I don’t think to knock Blender for this since this is not Blenders exclusive specialist focus. I would have thought that it is more positive and beneficial to focus on Blenders main strengths. How the sculpt and modelling tools can continually improve in themselves and work better within Blender as a whole rather than see them as something out on their own. Which reminds me. What’s happening with Key Mesh ?
I started out originally in fine art sculpture in clay and plaster. I was advised I should specialise in traditional sculpture at collage but gravitated towards animation production. Still haunted a bit by what might have been had I gone towards fine art then. But I kept up with figurative work in life drawing and clay sculpture whenever I had the time. So I am coming at it from that traditional real word materials experience and past I guess. I have done quite a bit of digital sculpting in the past though for various types of projects and posted examples on past threads. More recently I have been working in ZBrush extensively on a lot of large scale very detailed combined digital scans and sculptural works. This is for some gallery installation and sculpture projects I am working on with an established international exhibition artist and also for historical archive projects.
I don’t want to clutter or de-rail the thread with work posts. But for the sake clarity, here is an Auroch I sculpted in ZBrush for a model diorama display in Brighton Museum which is the first thing I ever digitally sculpted for 3D print. And a link to a thread on here about some of the digital scanning work I am working on in Zbrush, Blender and also 3D Coat for materials and textures.