Pleated Chair

A small modeling excercise after a while,

model is free to download and use for commercial/non-commercial purposes

download the model here:

btw I didn’t share textures and .blend cause I’m using some textures I can’t share.
However for chair fabric I used customized version of this Chocofur shader:

It was done in blender 2.82 alpha and rendered using cycles.


Beautiful modeling! Fantastic job!
Is there a tutorial showing this technique?

I dont know honestly. It’s kinda mix of techniques and tools.

But weren’t you the one who modeled it?

Yes, but i didnt follow a tutorial nor made one myself

great work

Great work, modelling and render, both. Interesting model, I wonder which method you use.
And of course thanks for share.

@lacilaci86 I come back to this post once in a while. Can you give any hint to the pleats? My best guess is something like wrap tools


It’s actually this tool
Surface Follow from 2016 Blender Conference - Coding / Released Scripts and Themes - Blender Artists Community

It’s free

But yes, basically the point is to flatten the mesh to UV in 3D space and then binding new mesh on top of it, then using blendshapes turn the flattened mesh back to original shape and cleanup.

EDIT: wow I just realized the plugin is from Rich Colburn. Didn’t know he made a plugin out of it. Thanks for letting me know :smiley:

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Hi Laci,

I appreciate your time to reply. Your chair model is great!

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