Polar Bear Cub WIP

Alright, I decided to bring the eyes back to brown and added some fake reflection just in the meantime I get derek’s scene :wink: I think I need to turn down the fur reflection a bit…


I made the nose better, as well as the eyes, fur, and teeth :slight_smile:
I am still working on those :slight_smile: So I can make nice close ups :slight_smile:



Yeah I’d like it if you were going to put it on Blend Swap because I am soon(ish) going to make a polar bear character, but I have doubts that it would turn out this good. So I kind of wanted to just take this and modify the shapes and such…:o

very nice, i can’t wait to see more!

Looking great!

Owldude: Well, I encourage you to start your own, and I will help you out as best as I can along the way :slight_smile: After-all, the best way to learn is to practice, practice, study, and practice more :wink:

MOVIEMAKE: Thanks :slight_smile: I received a request from you to join a group, I accepted, but I sorta removed it by mistake, you can resend please.

crazycrhisina: Thanks :slight_smile:

I still have to fix the inner mouth (gums) as well as the teeth and tongue. I also have a few facial expressions I would like to make better. With the fur, sometimes it doesn’t look like the mesh facials, simply because fur is dependent on lighting. Its a bit of a pain to have to render to see the outcome, but I’m getting there slowly :wink:

More updates will come soon :slight_smile:

JeannotLandry fantastic work! I love his little mohawk and his expression is very cute :slight_smile:
Nice job dude!

Still improving. He is so cute. :slight_smile:

Make sure you are getting the right type of shadows inside the mouth, looks too bright inside at the moment. Keep up the great work!

pedrocandelaria: Thanks :slight_smile:

3dementia: Thanks :slight_smile: Yes, I plan on making the inside of the mouth darker, right now, the texture needs work as well as the skin shader :slight_smile:

Sorry if I haven’t posted an update in a while, its simply because since Derek is really busy at work, I had to help him with the environment. So, I took on the environment while he tackles the pine trees with snow on them (Hell of a challenge). After all, if there is someone who can pull that type of tree, its him :wink:

Well, here is what I got so far on the environment, no trees in yet obviously, but coming soon! Still need to add some boulders with snow on top of them. (Not intended to be realistic, but rather cartoon stylized :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )
I hope you guys like :wink:


Such a cutie! He somehow remindes me of the little one from disney’s “brother bear”! Ha ha! I love his expressions and poses!
For the landscape: I’d add some smaller icicles around the big ones in the foreground, this would be more realistic, at the moment it seems kinda odd, even for a cartoony thing.
I love the snow! Well done!

Hey guys:) As Jeannot has indicated I’m working with him on this great little project and finally got to spend some real time on the environment:) Using the base that Jeannot had layed out I’ve come up with the following environment:) Still gotta add some rocks and trees but overall this is where the base is at. Let me know what you guys think:P

P.S. the Suzan monkey heads are just to show the reflection on the ice and not the snow. The snow/ice shader is quite complex for BI and has been a really beast to get right:)

It’s comming along nicely! I’ll keep my eye on this thread :slight_smile:

OMG Derek, that ice is looking awesome :slight_smile: Perhaps make the rocks a little wet, since there is sun, the snow might be melting a bit and creating tiny water streams on the rocks. Perhaps, just darken some areas and add some specular :slight_smile: The snow is looking great :slight_smile: However, you seem to have lost the shininess you had in your previous render? Can’t wait to see this with trees and rocks with snow on them :slight_smile:
Awesome job bros :slight_smile:

Btw, the polar bear is ready to animate :slight_smile: Don’t forget to let me know once the link file will be ready to animate upon :slight_smile:


Alright, now that derek is back on the environment, I had time to work the fur a lot more. Main issue was saving rendering time. I managed to cut down rendertime in half and still get a descent fur render :slight_smile: Completely redid the UVs, textures and fur. The rig is already ready for animation, and I am just tweeking textures and shaders atm before starting animating in the scene.

C&C welcome :wink:


Here is an environment render update for you guys as well. Made some adjustments to the textures including SSS, normal bump and color. We are getting closer:D I gotta get some trees and rocks in here ASAP hehe:) Let me know you guys think

I was looking your oso polar and i can say i don’t like it too much in general there are so many things don’t like but you can start impove the color a oso polar is not gray is white .
Hasta donde puedo saber :).

Good luck
And the enviroment the ice looks more like a foam than ice

Alekzsabder: Gee man, thanks for the moral support!
Btw, if you see the fur grey, perhaps you should calibrate your monitor and polar bear fur isn’t white its beige based on references. Also isn’t meant to be realistic but cartoon.

Perhaps elaborating what you would do different would actually help more then just saying you don’t like it?

Thank you Alekzsander for your honest feed back:p Benifitial or suggestive feed back would be more apprecieated;) The goal of this project is a cartoonish ice age/happy feet style. Jeannot and I have recognized the style for, animation purposes, will be less realistic and more cartoonish:) If thats even a word hehe

if it weren’t good guys, i dont think it would of attracted this much attention, :smiley: it looks great! :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, don’t care to much about his personal taste… Go over it, even if it’s hard!
I like this cute little guy, he sure has some personality, I think he looks kinda bold and like a cute tombold, because of his hairstyle and cute face, ha ha. Sure, I’d also change some things, but that’s because of personal taste not because you guys “suck” or anything like that! ;D