Polycarbonate Sheet effect

Finally managed, now just one 4vert plane.

Its all in there (normal offset for panels, pane separations, striation distortion, general distortion and Fresnel for more reflections at acute angles).

I ended up using very subtle general distortion and plenty o plane offset, it is all tweakable.
Both distortions and offset get much more noticeable the further away you take the texture.
I changed the final mix values for transparency/diffuse and roughness between cycles and eeveey. In the end I made 2 outputs for cosistancy.

I was so pleased with the result that I tidied up the nodes :wink:

Thanks Colacuve for inspiring me during lock-down and thanks Carl for your help.

Now I’m going to model some buildings to use all this!



And the Blend so you don’t have to copy them all!
You will find the main parameters named if you want to exaggerate things.
StraitionsBrick2.blend (1.1 MB)
Happy Blending.
Sorry to insist on an old topic (and edit - yet again), but I was trying to use the material and found that when I did the node cleanup I had forgotten to mix in the striation distortion for the cycles output. I have now mixed it and it will now work like the render example.
I have edited the images and uploaded a new blend file. I have deleted the old ones and replaced them in this same post.