Refresh button recompute calculation. It’s not automatic due to performance reasons
only selected checkbox allow toogle computation between all meshes in active View Layers or only mesh in current selection
clicking on columns name toogle or change meshes sorting
current active objet is visible in the Object column, and can be changed by clicking on a name
* char on Verts column tell you if if the mesh is out of mesh vertex buffer limit (65 535)
± char on Tris column tell you if nGons are in the place
Area is shown as m².
As you can see on the Github readme, there is an annoying limitation, which I still can’t fix with my Python skills, so if someone knows about how to simulate on a bmesh the effect of an edge split modifier, I’m open for any help!
I hope you can figure it out how to count the real vertex. I am not a coder, so I cant really help you… Seeing the real vertex count directly in blender would be really helpful so we no longer need to export the model to a game engine to see that information. The addon is still very useful, thank you.
Now that my other addon is released, this become my high priority task I’m already have few leads to investigate.
Hmm actually, kind of, but not no longer maintened. At this time it was merge with my other addon, named “Nothing-is-3D tools”, you can get it using the zip below if you want: (4.9 KB, screenshot)
Sorry for my development frequency, as it’s on my spare time I’m not very efficient
However, it seems I’m ready to get real vertex count, thanks to glTF developpers. I need to do better tests, but this snippet seems to work well with this tiny test scene, 'never been so close to the victory
I will not support objects shaded as “flat”, only “smooth”.