Based on this topic, I used the sea dragon floaty model and my Charizard model to do some motion capture.
For the motion capture I use the Drag[en]gine Motion Capture tool (DEMoCap). This is a VR gear motion capture tool for game developers which especially supports doing real time motion capture of non-humanoid characters straight into game ready form with little to no post processing required.
The captured animation I’ve imported into the pool scene. The data is post processed to match the motion of the pool floaty as well as fine tuning some movements for the camera angles I’ve used.
The scene is rendered on Blender 3.0 using Cycles with 64 samples and de-noiser using Cuda GPU rendering. The reworked cycles kernels in Blender 3.0 really are quite something else performance wise than on 2.93 . Each frame rendered at roughly 7-8 seconds.
So here it goes… a clunky ride on a pool floaty.