Sae dragon pool floaty

I started this model some time ago but then I did not finish the scene to render it. Came back to the this model and finished it up as I had some idea on how to “use” it.

First things first. This model is a faithful recreation of a real world pool floaty created by PuffyPaws (and yes, it is that big). By the time I’ve discovered this floaty you could not get it any more. But what you can’t get you can model in Blender :smiley: . Using product images I tried to get close to the original design without using sculpting (I’m a game developer… sculpting is not my thing). I left out the valves though as I did not feel like adding them.

I then created a small scene around the camera view. The pool, water, pool ladder and ground outside the pool are models I’ve created. All other props I’ve downloaded from the internet to fill the scene. I have though not managed to get the water material to work as I want it to. I don’t know why but the glass shader node is misbehaving in all directions. Not sure what I could do to improve this. Called it quits on it since I’m out of ideas. Lighting is done using a HDR light probe.

The scene is rendered in Blender 2.93 on CPU with Cycles using 64 samples and de-noiser.

Here some more shots of the model in detail including wireframe shots.

Here also a turn table of the model.

Last but not least the reason why I pulled out the model again and finished the scene has been doing some Motion Capture with it. This though I put into an own topic since it is a different project although using the same model.


:slightly_smiling_face: :+1: