Poor Christmas

I’m super curious about the bokeh effect. Can you elaborate on how you achieved this in the compositor?

Hello again and again and again… :stuck_out_tongue:
There are a lot of questions and I’ll try to answer them…

arcarsenal: For the snow flakes, I created a vertex group and painted in weight mode the places were I want the snow… After that, I add a simple cercle to my scene with a vertices count at 5 or 6 and called it: snow. Then, I created a Particles systems, put it at hair and changed the render to be object-snow- I finaly play with the children option (at simple) and put the vertex group that I created before in the density.

Henrymop: I think that we can see a lot of things in my render. I want people to know that many people are suffering in the world and we can help them, especially at Christmas time…I think that together, we can stop wars and help others.

LiMuBei: Mmmm… This is complicate to explain :smiley: I painted an image and combined it with a real picture from my city. I put this as my background image and in my camera setting, I went to depth of field and put the head in focus option and played with the radius size. I also created particle system for the snow and again, played with the radius size of my camera to have different bokeh effect. I finally render different pass and combined them in the compositor…

I hope that my explanations was clear to everyone. Sorry for my very very bad english :stuck_out_tongue:

And also: merry christsmas to everyone!!!

Ah, thanks. I thought you used the bokeh blur node in compositor (haven’t seen any good examples for how to use this yet, which is why I was curious).

Awesome work! Congratulation on winning the competition! Merry Christmas!

Congrats on the win Will!