Porsche Carrera GT - Short Action Car Chase Scene - Blazraidr

you changed the label but did you size your wheels and tires properly? If you are using 1bu = 1m as you should if you are using a physically based engine like cycles or lux.

at the front

rim diameter should be 19inches
tire width 265mm
tire height from rim to top should be 30% of 265mm

at the rear

rim diameter should be 20
tire width 335
tire height from rim to top should be 30% of 335mm

google the front wheel track and rear wheel track and the wheel base so you can place your tires correctly.

When you place the correct tires and wheels on any mid-engine in the correct place it changes the appearance of the car so this is worth doing.

the rim material came out really well by the way it would be nice to see you model that central wheel lug I am finding the way it looks now a little odd but maybe you haven’t gotten to that part yet. And watch the part where the wheel spoke joins the outter rim it doesn’t match the refs I am looking at… let me google a pic and post it.

the part I highlighted red is the part is you need to look at.

Keep going this is excellent work.

I haven’t gotten around to fixing the red highlighted part, or appending the new wheels, with the bumpmap, but I have updated the car paint shader, and it’s quite customisable now.

Here is another full hd render since I enjoy the result, as I’m lacking the time to continue to model due to lots of school work.


Here’s another with an EXTREMELY simple environment. I wanted to see how it would look in a more realistic render:

wow… how did you make the enviroment? HDRI?

best car paint shader I have seen, mind posting a bigger pic

I’ve updated the previous post so you can click on the image. Here’s the link anyway: car shader

It’s one sun lamp, orange-ish colour, with size 0.1. A sky texture for the background, tilted slightly to give sunset lighting. The trees are a series of alpha mapped planes with tree textures off the internet, which were free to use. The road is a plane with a texture, and the concrete slabs are simply box modeled with an array modifier.

http://www.infoocean.info/avatar3.jpgHere is a timelapse of my first modeling session. There should be more to come.

nice one, thats a great way of making a background without sucking loads of power from the rendering :slight_smile:

So I’ve fixed some problems highlighted by tyrant monkey, and I’ve also finished modeling the complete wheel. Here is a screenshot:


So I think I can say I’ve finished modelling the car. Here are some test renders in the simple environment. Post pro in photoshop, since I couldn’t replicate the same result with nodes.



Here’s another:

I’ve tweaked the glass and car shader to make it less reflective:

Before post-pro:

After post-pro:

Less? I think more.

Nope I’m definitely sure it’s less

You give more shine after in photoshop… soo why you are giving less when you in post proo give more glossy.

Ok, what I said is hard to understand, I’m sorry about that. All the renders have the same post pro in photoshop, but I changed the shader to make the car less glossy.

Heres the difference, sorry for confusion:

I look more to this car. And i know now why it looks like a toy. or made from plastic. Because it is a background… you have to change for some hi resolution image… the scale of it is wrong.

How about now? I used a hdri image for lighting and reflections. Mind you when the final short film is made, the whole environment will be mainly modeled, with little reliance on hdri images.

ok you just made me have a crisis in my underwear… brilliant work, stunning