
Wow i wouldn’t want myself to look so realistic I probably would cry.

Looking at this very well done image, I have two suggestions where improvement might be made.

  1. The eyes need a little more work. Perhaps a bit more spark to the specular highlights.

  2. The line where the upper lip area (moustache location) joins the actual upper is too sharp, a softer join might be in order.

Again, a most excellently executed portrait, kudos to you.

how about a .blend file?

Hi I am new to Blender and I am inspired by your portrate and tutorial!
If I may add my observations that I have not seen in this post:

  1. No one has glasses that are that clean and free of reflection - atleast blur or grey the lenses.
  2. Your hairs are too dense, they need to be more translucent and with more varied colors and highlights, some should even be blurrred IMHO.
    I especially enjoyed your tutorial, very well done with just the right ballance of words and images, thank you!

Excellent piece, very realistic. I can’t wait to get an English translation for that tutorial, it looks really informative.

This portrait is truely amazing!

Merci d’avoir réalisé un tutoriel aussi complet dans la langue de Molière!

Looking very nice portrait.

This is the best tut ever dude and i DID NOT KNOW THE MAKER OF IT WAS ON THIS FORUM =).

DUDE you impress me highly in a way no other blender has =)
Graphics like that are what people expect to see on consoles VERY darn impressive… i envy such ability xD

that looks good i’ll have to try the tutorial at some point. Hope babel fish does a good enough translation.

has that hl2 feel =3

Very impressive! It really shows what can be done with Blender!

jfil;sigfojf omg spazizm that was so good

Plug that session link into the bablefish interpreter, pick french to english. It does a reasonably beneficial job. I had no difficulty understandable the translation.