Post here if you want to the game engine to be supported

Ive always been seeking out game engines in which i could build upon and after many different engines, have landed on BlenderGame. It is what drove me towards Blender itself. If they want to separate the engine, then let them fork their own crippled blender. We on the other hand will remain with the original blender version that Ton is overseeing. That will be the complete BLENDER CREATOR. We are only waiting for SOLID to come back. I think xhyldazhk has a very good idea, maybe we should just make the logicbricks actually render into python. I mean that’s what we do anyways… I wouldnt mind using crystal space. No one would know the difference except for exceptional FPS, and way more effects. hmm.


When the blender games engine will be dead forever, I have to find an another ame engine to work with. I was thinkig about the Unreal technology. This one really rocks but you’ have to script many things. So who did already use the unreal engine for making own mods or games? And is it difficult to learn it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Many real companies use Unreal technology but, it has a big price tag…thats not an option.

If blender’s engine gets thrown away I will probably go use OGRE… :-?

Bonjour mes amis, here are some of the latest screens from dracolith (under development at BSS):

ya, i just thought of it. we gameengine users help pay for the release of blender AND it’s game engine capabilities, so we should be able to use the game engine that we help freed (if not the game engine ITSELF). if you cut it out it would be like raising money to make a great program for people, then ripping them off.

Maybe this will be a good way to earn money to develop the engine again. Just make games, allow companies, or shops to set oure games on a demo disk, but for a little money. Or we can make a source disk every year, with the best blendr demo’s, full games, game sources, textures, scripts to use them in blender, and many tutorials on it. When people don’t know how to use the engine, they can buy the disk, and we got some money :smiley: , you can buy a empty cd for 2 euro, a volenteer to burn them, make tutorials and a guy to make stickers, and viola, we can sell it for 10 euro’s. But I think we can only do this when people make tutorials, sources, scripts for free without paying them (volunteers) because when people buy the cd, we can develope the game engine further and the volunteers can use the game engine again.

So we can all work togetter to release every year a Blender game engine disk, and we will be rewarded with the come back of the game engine. :o :stuck_out_tongue: So when we do this, I’m on to create tutorials, sources and demo’s for the CD. And when we got enough volunteers, we contact Ton and talk about this idea. 8)

:Z I think that blender has a great future with the game engine, this is a unique future that blender will never see if the game engine is permanently removed.

how many 3d aps have good modeling, animation,
and rendering package well we all know about those other great
programs, but none that I know of have it’s own game engine built
into the app, this is one of blenders ( unique ) strong points.

A couple of years ago, when I was really interested in a free 3d software, I found many apps which can be used for modeling, animtion, but none of them has a game engine, So I think. When we will give blender a chance to get world wide famous because of it’s free source, and legal use, we should keep the game engine.

But we are all talking about the game engine, but does someone know, if there a real people working on it, and is there ever releases a oficial document of text that said the engine is coming back, and what does Ton said about the game engine? Did he already get the source, or are they working on a new one? I don’t know anything about it, I think it’s time that Ton release a message what’s going on with the engine. I think I try to contact him or set a link to this topic on, I really wanna know more about it, doen’t you guys?? :stuck_out_tongue:

We are all mostly still in the discussion/planning stage, the plan as of now is:

  1. solid as soon as possible
  2. relase 2.29/2.30 that is compatible with 2.25 games
  3. possibly seperate game engine, add ODE physics, possibly break compatibility, etc afterwards. Decide how to maintain the project and get stuff done etc. Possibly rewrite game engine for 3.0

Ton enjoyed reading the positive comments everyone:) Thanks for you’re support.

Though the game engine remains largely a mystery to me, I would be very disappointed to see it go. The one time I actually got the real time buttons to work, it was amazing.

I definately want the game engine to stay, I have made 5 (medium) games with it and am currently working on another. Big YES for me.

su supports the cause! :smiley:

Ooowh I love this seeing people posting, I want the game engine, :D. Soon we wil be rewarded (I hope very soon)

What games did you make. And where can one get them.

su was thinking (auch…it hurts)…
Blender sources are free…
so maybe a good way to let people know we need the engine is to download
the source code…

no matter what happens you’ll will always have your own copy…

and if you do learn to code…

i tried it once on my linux-laptop a while ago (unsuccesfull) ,
but now i will try again,

and follow instructions from

and when i type “blender/source/gameengine” as the module name it starts
downloading all kinds of stuff…

( haven’t got a clue what i’m doing, but it’s fun :smiley: )

when i cd into blender/source/gameengine/ there’s a and i believe that’s used to create a configure file… or was it the other way around? …and this where i get stuck…but the previous time i did get it to compile though…Well back to the autoconf/automake manual

At least someone should notice all the source downloads and the fact we are willing to make an effort ourselves…

…Or am i missing something? :smiley:

(if i do…please enlighten me, for i like to try things, but i have no experience in this area, and the step is a little to high- and i am not able to find any clear instructions what to do, because -i think- when you know your C++ it is very obvious what to do with a
I will find out on my own, but that takes a lot of time- i did manage to make an HelloWorld after following my first C++ tut, its a start… lol. :D)

only help i found so far :

Hi su

and when i type “blender/source/gameengine” as the module name it starts
downloading all kinds of stuff…

…Or am i missing something?

I think so. You need the whole blender source for doing something!
You need to check out /blender and /lib tree (use it as module name).

Have a look at:



once we get all this together, maybe ton can give us some webspace to have game downloads, script downloads, and news articles?

It was the Game Engine that got me interested in Blender. I really want the
Game Engine!

Thanks Maci_Ray,

:expressionless: wonder how i could have missed that one(?) :expressionless: :expressionless:

but my point got all blurred up in my typings, namely:

letting them know we need the engine by down loading the source.
(whether u are using it or not)

anyways, thanks for the pointer.

The re-integration of the Game Engine back into Blender and those responsible for it have my complete support. If I could program, I would attempt to make a viable Engine myself, as it is, I must rely on those highly skilled individuals. Please bring it back; even if it’s just promoted as an add-on, or something. We miss it. (sniff)