Post your desktop

iam a huge fan of “dinotopia”.
even have a few of the paintbrushes from a few of the dinotopia paintings.


Useless statistic:

Of the 27 desktops posted:
[>] 63% are browsing
[>] 30% are indeterminate as to whether they are browsing
[>] 7% are not browsing
and 1 desktop is not posted.

Since yer all posting yer Linux stuff, here’s mine:

bah, red hat, I no longer have any respect for that distro. Nice desktop though.

My work space with all my unfiled blend files lol

This is from a few months ago, the only thing that’s changed is my GTK theme and the size of the window title bars.

here is mine :slight_smile:[/img]

Haha, resurrected thanks to sh33p and BgDM (so blame them).
Had this one for quite a while now. Cutie Honey kicks ass! The logo was actually from another wallpaper.

Check the shortcut on her right tit

Heres mine.

No I dont post it. [>] :Z [!]

nothing hasn’t changed much over the years… :slight_smile: except kde version is now 3.5.1… and I see myself using konqueror nowadays, instead of firefox… oh, and you can see where I typed “kickerbar” on my wallpaper there on left monitor side… well, kicker is no more there :slight_smile: I have them on my right monitor nowadays. wow, what a change.

Thanks to for image hosting.

Basse, that looks like a surprisingly nice space to work in. Makes me almost want to sit down and change the one I’ve been using for the last few years.

Heres mine: (sorry about the other thread)

see the start bar and the theme i’m working on

edit i made the old one just for this but ^this is my real one

I always have my latest work from blender in the background, somehow it tells me I to have faith in myself and to not lose hope and give up blender as something inside keeps telling me. I don’t clean my desktop often but I do regularly, It usually is filled with SMC .blends and renders but other than that it is usually cleaned once every two weeks or so. So Sago, what is this obbsession you have with ‘Cutie Honey’? It seems like a porn front to me.

I’d post mine - but I change my desktop so often it’s hard to find a pic to start with! :slight_smile:

Don’t you just find it annoying when you can’t put on all your favourite pics there at once? I know I do :frowning:

Click for full size version

When I saw it, I had to use it :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Ecks

Yeah, I ran find / in the terminal. W/e


If you call Cutie Honey porn you better not take a look in my normal photo albums.

Cutie Honey is just a terrible Japanese-Powers-Rangers-like movie, but with some great visual aspects.
