Post your desktop

Hey theeth, I love that wall paper. Where did you get it?

Eriko Sato is it’s greatest visual aspect…
She could manhandle my sword anytime…

OK, here is my current desktop:

This is my son doing his Fantastc 4 pose, thus why he has his Fantastic 4 jammies on. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think this needs to be any bigger:

After saving this image on the desktop, it is now full. I have 2 folders (on my desktop) with the files that filled my previous desktops. I never use most of this stuff but I still don’t want to get rid of them.

Boy am I in a rut.

Here’s mine.

that looks like windows, exept how did it get the mac tool bar?

Straight from MiniTokyo

It’s from Haibanei Renmei, for those who haven’t noticed.


well heres mine

us MACers have nothing on the desktop really

Got you beat. My gorgeous default Blackbox desktop with it’s menu activated.

you can barely see the bar at the bottom even when it pops up. Nothing to see there but the name of active workspace, name of app and current time anyway.

i can do it too

it comes with stylexp and is called panther

My latest.

The dell 24" LCDs are awesome. No dead pixels, great response, color and contrast.


Two monitors. Left side is all nice 'n tidy with an immaculately organized Start Menu. The right side is where all the crap goes; full of chat windows, Winamp, and images that I use for reference for my various art projects.

The background images are always original. Hope you like those dire squirrels. SVG available :).

Here’s mine, Mac stylized :slight_smile:

well my desktop is pretty full of crap, but not completely full. I usually use my own blender images as desktop background images. 8)

ah, you just wish you had a mac :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

haha just kidding

thats actually the same desktop image im using, i like it because its not too distracting

Here’s my desktop:

I can’t post mine, as my personal computer is not connected to the internet. However, I must ask: How do you style your XP operating system like that?

EDIT: Nevermind, I googled it and got one for myself, and I suppose I can just put the image on my flash drive and post it here… Although I’m still rendering my new wallpaper with Blender.

EDIT2: Here it is:

sorry if this strecthes the page :slight_smile:
There is my desktop

LOL!!! Yes, tis true, discipline is very important in raising a child.