On a sunny day when there are no clouds troubling your sight it is easy to see how beautiful the world is and how everything moves in circles. In the end we all end up there where we started, no matter how much of struggle lies inbetween, so take a look around from time to time and enjoy the view before closing in on the next big circle…
Animation and Music by Toxic Tuba
made with blender 3.0.0
and the Botaniq addon
rendered in 4K UHD, watch it on your big TV!!!
having fun with the botaniq addon and getting used to making clouds with blender. clouds do really add up to rendertimes but are a fun thing to add to renders!
but its (life, time, worlds and galaxies) not just a circle. each time it goes around its not exactly the same place it comes back to. its more like a densely stacked hilex. for every 3.14 miles it takes to do around the circle, the hilex also advances another inch. that’s why not all changes are just periodical, though so many of them seem that way.
This is written more in the meaning of the metaphorical circle of life where in every ending is a new beginning… but I love helices too and recognize them way too often in natural forms and actually I am thinking about making something similar with an overgrown helix… stay tuned