Problem with generated PBR texture


Not sure if I use the right terminology so excuse me if so. Basically I have generated maps which I really like, however problem is persist in this tile effect. I have successfully applied other textures on the same object without any problem. Maybe there is something wrong in the actual PBR files I generated ?


  1. right-click on a selected object, and choose ‘Shade Smooth’
  2. add ‘Subdivision’ modifier
  3. change mapping scale values on material node

Thanks. Tried it before numerous times. Unfortunately it does not work.

Your texture is not seamless.

  • Open textures with Gimp

  • Filters > Map > Make Seamless

  • After that, save textures.

I don’t use Gimp. Photoshop. I guess principle should be the same. I should make/generate seamless texture first and then do the maps.

Yes. You should make seamless.

Or just download one. Should be plenty to go around for this sort of stuff.

I would gladly do that if you point me to one. I have visited around 4-5 major sites non of them has this kind of texture. On the other hand I was eager to try to make one myself.

Try this add-on…saves a bunch of headaches like this!!!

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Sorry for late reply. I have tried it . It should be alright for low key quality but for the high because there are some blur regions that actually are a sub product of add-on. Do you normally get those artifacts too?

Not too much, of course it depends on the texture itself…something like wood will…but a cobblestone, you can’t tell up to 4k , but that is about the max I use…
It helps if you separate out ares and do a UV onit, then I will sometimes rotate one or two sections 180 and you really can’t tell where the seam is…and that is with a full PBR including displacement.

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Good and high quality fabric textures generally not free. You can look CC0 texture sites, maybe you will find. You need to will either create your own texture, make seamless, create normal map etc., or you need to buy it.

If you want pre-made high quality fabric materials, you can buy VMATS material library.

I guess this would be acceptable on the granite and other stones since the cloudy nature of the texture. Other thing is UV which I didn’t do. I could probably trick it with introductions of seams too.

That’s the thing I wouldn’t mind to pay but I hardly can find one. I eventually found free and it worked like a charm.

I am curious about VMATS however I could not find any samples or video explainer to look at before spending money. Do you use it by any chance or can point me to any video?

You can visit to blog page (

You can find samples and videos there. And if you want, you can download full catalogue pdfs for preview.

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Thanks! I see, it belongs to you :slight_smile: Any chance I could try any wood and upholstery material for one of my furniture pieces?

Sorry, but not possible, because VMATS library is totally based on VSHADE. VMATS can not works without VSHADE.

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