Problems with importing from SpeedTree

Hello guys,

I imported a tree model from SpeedTree, but it comes with these weird glitches. The model looks normal in Speedtree itself so I’m not sure what am I doing wrong. Does anyone have an idea?

I will be grateful for your help!


Check your shaders nodes tab. Show what’s in there.

Hello, it’s kinda messy and I’m not sure what means what, but here it is:

Is this ss okay?

Turn up your transparent bounces

I maxed it and it definetely help to get rid of some of the blackness (thank you!) but the glitches are still on the leaves:

It also for come reason imports with this cut in the middle of the tree that is not there in speedtree:

I’m pretty sure that something’s wrong with your nodes itself. I’ve been facing with the similar problem here some moons ago and got away with it by changing nodes and removing a few unuseful of them.

May you share your blend file?

Is there a particular way to save a file when one wants to share it with others or it can just be as it is right now? thank you so much for help!

You can just save your .blend file and drop it here if it’s less than 5MB in the aspects of the size.

Palm_Tree_Blender_Problem_Help.blend (3.6 MB)

Hope this works!

Unfortunately, your model appears in pink colors, seems like your textures is missing.

Anyway, try to output your Alpha connection between your image texture and Principled BSDF.

It appears pink to you? I can send a .stmat file (speedtree) so you can import it to blender maybe? Also, what does it mean to output my alpha connection? Sorry for so many questions, I’m a complete beginner.

palm1_lowpoly_2.stmat (8.3 KB)

Just remove that connection. That’s it. I’m not sure, but maybe it would help you.

Thank you for trying to help, unfortunately that didn’t do it. I uploaded the speedtree file if you’re willing to try work on it. Thank you again!

if you want the blender file to include the textures, you need to go File->External Data->Pack Ressources

Yepp… because the stmat-file is just text telling what image to use… but no images… and i’m not sure that we need all of them… you may just select the faces with the outer most material _Palm_1_cluster_MatSG and delete the rest and then pack those images …

:thinking: hhmm maybe Blender does have a problem with the file names… Starting with double tilde … ???

	<Material ID="1" Name="_Palm_1_cluster_Mat" TwoSided="0" UserData="" VertexOpacity="1" FlipNormalsOnBackside="1">
		<Map Name="Color" File="palm1_lowpoly_2.png" Source="C:/Users/biers/Desktop/palm_leaf2/~~Palm_1_cluster.png" />
		<Map Name="Opacity" File="palm1_lowpoly_2_Opacity.png" Source="C:/Users/biers/Desktop/palm_leaf2/~~Palm_1_cluster_Opacity.png" />
		<Map Name="Normal" File="palm1_lowpoly_2_Normal.png" Source="C:/Users/biers/Desktop/palm_leaf2/~~Palm_1_cluster_Normal.png" />
		<Map Name="Gloss" File="palm1_lowpoly_2_Gloss.png" Source="C:/Users/biers/Desktop/palm_leaf2/~~Palm_1_cluster_Gloss.png" />

After packing resources the file went from 3.6mb to 1.04gb. Am I doing something wrong here?

Okay, will try this when I get back home and let you know, thank you!

sound like you got a lot of ressources in your project? To pack only the ones used in the shader, got into the image editor for each one and go to ‘Image->Pack’. If not already done you should use ‘File->External Data->Unpack Ressources’ first