Procedural chair model with Geometry Nodes

Hello, @Pilot646 I had to take a break from blender geo nodes for a while due to personal reasons! ( by personal reasons I meant I had to get jobs to pay the bills haha :sweat_smile:)
I’m resuming my work on all my geo nodes project today including the procedural modeling so that’s great!
There are a lot of updates to geometry nodes so I just want to get up to speed and see what I can add to the workflow to improve it further.

Thanks for consistently following up on my work. hopefully, in about 2 weeks, I would have made enough progress to start posting again.

Here’s a blog post I had posted earlier and decided to take down because I paused the project. I just reposted it again! Now I’m not sure if I should post all updates here or there… or both :smiley:

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