Procedural lightning

I was trying to do branching blood vessels for my project Mutatis when I accidentally made something that kinda looked like lightning. It doesn’t look as good as other methods that use a mesh for the shape, but in case somebody wants a purely procedural lightning, here it is (incidentally, my first animation with Blender :blush:):
lightning.blend (849.7 KB)

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one note
there was in 2.79 an addon to make procedural lightning

happy bl

Hi…Just a question on the rain system you have. I tried the free version and added a standard cube with collider to the scene and noticed that rain was passing through the object. I added a rigidbody and still the same. Is there a way of configuring scene objects to stop rain etc passing through? If so is it also the case for your full weather system pack?

order pcb

I do not have a rain system or a weather system pack. Did you perhaps post in the wrong thread?