Procedural chair model with Geometry Nodes

Procedural Chair Model

I have been developing a set of tools and node groups for quickly making procedural models like this in blender using geometry nodes.

I will be posting my research and processes here.


Wow, very interesting and impressive :slight_smile:

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Impressive! :slight_smile:

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Are you generating meshes or just using the nodes to modify them like most?

No, I’m pretty much creating instance points and transforming them. The meshes are prebuilt modular parts assembled together by the nodes and some have shape keys.
generating mesh at such a low level would be parametric modeling at this point and so far the only example I’ve seen done with geometry nodes is Erindales work on Spirograph

wow, congrats! The versatility is stunning. Would you be kind enough to share your knowledge through a youtube tutorial?

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Unfortunately, a youtube tutorial that covers everything would be way too time-consuming to make. I’m considering doing a paid course eventually but I’ll definitely make short-focused youtube tutorials on this. Also, In this thread, I will address pretty much every aspect of making this and answer as many questions as I can so maybe check back later.

sometime this week or next I’ll start posting my research and findings

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Hi, I’m a big fan of this! Any news on updates to the concept/model such as new features or custom modelling setups?

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Sorry about being so quiet on this all this while. They definitely has been much changes since when I released the video. However I decided not to share any yet due to the state of geometry nodes in blender. Geometry nodes is constantly evolving. Just recently it was completely redone so it’s using fields now instead of the attribute system. So it wouldn’t be wise to share any update of the procedural approach as I’m very likely going to change or redo almost all aspect of it. Right now I’m refactoring all I’ve done to work with the new fields geometry nodes implementation. I’ll hopefully share updates when blender 3.0 gets to beta as then I know they wouldn’t be crazy changes to geo nodes.

Hey Godwin! Was playing geo nodes and remembered this - were you planning to release a Blender 3.0 version still?

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Hello, @Pilot646 I had to take a break from blender geo nodes for a while due to personal reasons! ( by personal reasons I meant I had to get jobs to pay the bills haha :sweat_smile:)
I’m resuming my work on all my geo nodes project today including the procedural modeling so that’s great!
There are a lot of updates to geometry nodes so I just want to get up to speed and see what I can add to the workflow to improve it further.

Thanks for consistently following up on my work. hopefully, in about 2 weeks, I would have made enough progress to start posting again.

Here’s a blog post I had posted earlier and decided to take down because I paused the project. I just reposted it again! Now I’m not sure if I should post all updates here or there… or both :smiley:

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I had totally missed this, super cool !

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haha thanks man :slight_smile:

Hi Godwin! I saw this was on the artstation sale today and it reminded me to check in :slight_smile: Are you still developing this outside of the chair model for a release at some point?

Hello James, sorry I missed your comment earlier.

So the answer is a bit tricky. Well, since January when I said I was going to resume this project life pretty much happened and I couldn’t do anything again until now. The original idea was to make a procedural house with every furniture and asset in it being procedural. The chair was just a test of that idea.
I finally resumed that idea last week and I’m currently making a procedural house to test the waters. So far it’s going better than I expected but nothing visually interesting to see yet.
Once I’m satisfied with the procedural building then I’ll start making different types of furniture. The procedural chair is probably the first asset I’ll redo from the ground up.

So yes, I’m still developing procedural assets and even the chair too, unfortunately, I just can’t promise a timeline or anything. Hopefully sooner than later.


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Thanks, Godwin! Great to hear it’s still going and can’t wait to see it on release :slight_smile:

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