Project Krypton

Sounds like a cool game and i’d love to help. I think the reason why not many people are joining this project is because you haven’t laid out what you need doing. i.e. modeling, a.i., gameplay. Because no-one can really help unless you layout what you need! By the way I think using Unity is a great idea because with a team project it’s much easier to use separate blends by different people if you have an asset based program (like unity). Just say what you need and i’ll do my best to help!

Sounds like a cool game and i’d love to help. I think the reason why not many people are joining this project is because you haven’t laid out what you need doing. i.e. modeling, a.i., gameplay. Because no-one can really help unless you layout what you need! By the way I think using Unity is a great idea because with a team project it’s much easier to use separate blends by different people if you have an asset based program (like unity). Just say what you need and i’ll do my best to help!

Sure can do mate!:yes::wink: I remember I have made a comanche(and still have it) that you could use, ShingWantin! I’ll try to give it a more “futuristic” design, and I’ll post it here:D. Perhaps I’ll get some free time to try & help you too(besides working for Asteracers;)).

I definitely need models to be animated, such as that house windows shattering when you shoot them, and making the gun shoot… etc. I also need people to be modeled.


Sorry, I wont be able to help, but it looks like you’re getting a team together.

Thats fine mcguinnessdr. I believe that I have maybe 2 others on the team… :slight_smile: And thanks for agreeing to help, Christiani! your help is greatly appreciated for Krypton.


Thanks, ben. I might have ago at getting the windows to shatter. :smiley:

  • Will

sounds great. ill send you the sniper too :smiley:

Kl, do you want my e-mail or do you just wanna upload it to a site like mediafire?
either way: will(at)fibrefilms(dot)co(dot)uk :smiley:

ill email it to you. should i add you as a friend on email?

(Just passing by)… FibreFilms, re-edit your e-mail address to something like name(at)gmail(dot)com or something, unless you really want to get some spam in your inbox from those “cute little bots” that “enjoy” doing this.

Hah thanks christiani,
@ShingWanTin yer sure add me on email if you want. (thats just a forward so if ur gonna add me it would probs be better if you use fibrefilmswill(at)gmail(dot)com.

thanks FibreFilms. I am working on the level terrain for the Medieval war-zone.

@Christiani_If: Please post the comanche on this thread with the link!


Will post ASAP… Still working on it, trying to optimize and re-make it, it’s allot of work to do(since the comanche was modeled when I was “not-so-experienced”:)).

I think you should do that with an animation :rolleyes:. Well yeah, you probably don’t need python yet, but I thought I could already try to make some basic AI or something…

So, can I join the team? :rolleyes:

EDIT: Just a little idea… I thought maybe it would be nice if you would also be able to make you’re own units out of different parts. You could for example choose the weapons you want on a vehicle, so you can put a laser on it, but also a cannon… This way you could customize your army even more…

here’s the model i’ve been working on so far. It’s a futuristic tank.:slight_smile:
Hope you like it!:smiley:

Tank.blend (208 KB)

good to see that the asteracers team mebers are lending a hand!:D:yes:

btw i’ll be working more on the futuristic than any other models.:yes:

Very nice sniper!

@Dedean: I think that is a good idea, choosing armor and weapons, but also quite difficult… Maybe I could try to do that.

@Dhaher: Nice Tank! A bit more texture work from me and we have an AWESOME tank! :smiley:

@JESUSFRK14: Thanks for the support! I like it too.

No school for me today, so im going to work on a battle arena for the futuristic level.


Here’s an AWESOME tank i found for the futuristic style tank! (I’ll be using yours too, dhaher :D) Could I get someone to model it or should i do it myself?



i didn’t texture it because i’m not the best at creating texture maps. I added the colours just to give you an idea of how I pictured it.:smiley: About the tank that you showed, are you sure that it would be ok to use the design, cause maybe its patented?