Project Krypton

hmm… not very many posts by others on this thread. I need need need modelers and animators for the weapons and people! Here is a castle made in sketchup that I want to use for the medieval warzone…



nice castle, looks a bit too cartoony tho.:slight_smile:

@dhaher: That is just concept art… Im going to base a tank off of that, not copy it. Maybe you’d like to model something similar to it? Your tank is the heavy armor tank with one large cannon, that tank is the light armor tank with many small cannons. :slight_smile:


yea I think I’ll try to model something similar.:smiley:

btw, what do you think should be the limit for polygons?

Nothing over around 500 verts, so it will have to be basic. you can make a high-poly version of it for normal maps, it would make it look much better.

Almost done with a setting where the castle will be!


New Idea! The more battles you win, the more advanced your troops become! Like it anyone?

I’d like to have a few more people in the game…


Sounds like a good plan, you could say it’s your troops morale or something which increases… Anyway I sorta had a go at the shattering glass, the animation doesn’t look amazing and i might have another go at it. I’m mainly sending it to you to show you my idea for rigging the glass. It’s not textured or coloured but I think I’ve got the basic idea. B.T.W. I have done an animation for the sniper, and started one for the other Mace like thing. I will send you them when I have finished.

sweet fibrefilms! i cant wait to take a look at it! Ive just about finished a level terrain (just need to pep the texture up a bit) then ill post it. I would also like to take a roll call of everyone who is either in the team or would like to join.

If you’re in the team, post “(username), On the Team” NOTE: I already know that Dhaher and FibreFilms are on the team.

If you want to join, post “(username) Want to Join”

I’ll start…

shingwantin, On the Team!


Just looked at the window shatter animation… ITS AWESOME!!! :smiley: Keep it up!


woohoo! post no. 200 for me!!! :smiley:

Anyways… mokazon is helping out a bit (with animations) Good to know that!


Somethin i modeled for the medieval part of the game (tower in the wall), and for Castle Game by 3dMedieval. Hope you like it!



=/ accidentally DELETED it 0.o Im so angry at myself

:o unlucky! Will it be in your recycle/trash bin? Anyway do you have any human models(rigged) for this game yet? Because i think it would be much easier to animate melee weapons with a basic human model and just parent the weapon to their hands. Anywho I’ve done a little sniper animation and ill send it to you over email (it’s just easier).

No, i overwrit it. I have one basemesh for a human, but not rigged yet… But yea ill send you the person via email.


AWESOME ANIMATION! just watched it! I love it!

I kinda need a bigger team then just me and two others… maybe like one or two more modelers/texturers and one python programmer (used later in my master plan… :evilgrin:)

@FibreFilms: Cant wait to see the other animations! Will upload a human (untextured) tomorrowz


I have another idea:
There are styles that differ a lot (medieval swords, but also futuristic tanks), so maybe the game would look a little messy if we don’t categorize the units (but I guess you wanted to do that already).

So here comes the idea: we don’t just categorize the units, but some styles are locked before you can use them yourself. You have to win one or a few battles against those “styles” to unlock them. Once unlocked, you can not just choose to play with the “style” yourself, but you can also combine the new style parts with the ones you already have to make your own units. Although a few combinations will look a bit weird, I think it would be cool to win parts so you can use them in other battles. So what do you think? :eyebrowlift2:

Oh, and:
dedean16 On the Team :wink:

@dedean16 I think the idea was when you win a certain no. of battles you upgrade (Improve all units by an age) so say you won 20 battles your units might upgrade to modern day. Win another 50 and your units would upgrade to futuristic. I think thats the idea, not sure if the enemy would upgrade with you or in their own time :/. Although in the first post Shing was talking about XP so your units would probably upgrade when you have a certain no. of XP. Infact you could have XP like money and buy upgrades (I know shingwantin said that in the first post but you could buy the upgrade of the age aswell as e.g. increased reload speed.). And then you get XP from winning battles. I think that was the idea lol. Anyway…

@ShingWanTin If we are going to use unity the recommended scripting language is Javascript, (I’ve started learning) so it would probably be better to find a Java scripter instead of python. However Unity supports both (to an extent) so whichever turn up first i suppose lol. Also I think the way Unity uses assets we might be able to mix and match between python & java (depending on which is easier for the given task) which could work.

Glad to hear you like the sniper animation, havent checked my email yet but i will get to work on the others later, thanks :slight_smile:

B.T.W. if your using that castle shingwantin (and your gonna export it into 3DS then import to blender) the no of faces is practically double so you have to select the whole mesh and select W>Remove Doubles I think anyway.

@FibreFilms: yeah, I guess that makes more sense then being able do a battle with both futuristic and medieval units… But still, ‘the enemy’ could have new weapons the player can get too by defeating them.