Project Krypton

Yeah, well I read through the first post and I discovered this was an MMO, which I had forgotten, and by the sounds of it you just select your age (future, present, medieval), and play already with the weapons from that age. You then gain experience from winning online battles and can use that to improve your weapons (the more advanced the army you battle the more XP you get). Yeah the idea of “looting” (shall we call it) the enemies weapons could be good. Mabey it would work better if you capture their survivors and use them on your side i.e. they have a massive futuristic mech, (but not many foot soldiers) you could kill all other units but leave the mech for last and then capture it. Mabey if you kill the general you can capture ALL their remaining units? What do you think?

Good Idea, Dedean16! I think its an awesome idea. It gave me a sweeeeeeet idea: You play for a country during those time periods: You choose a country (Germany, France, England, USA, China :p, Japan, Italy, Spain, South Africa :eyebrowlift2:, Russia, Brazil, Egypt, Greece, and Portugal) Feel free to think up more! But yea school has been a hindrance over the weekend… so i didn’t get anything done. I would like to sell memberships for this game (kinda like Club Penguin {No, i DONT play it :D}. Without a membership, you cant get the special upgrades, you cant upgrade to the next ages, you cant get certain troops or guns or armor, and you would have only a limited selection of countries to play for.)

How does that sound? (Id split the profit evenly… maybe… :evilgrin:)

I think if you kill the general it will reduce their morale. If you get it to zero, you automatically win! how does that sound?

But yea, if this is going to be a MMO game, we definitely will need Java programmers for it to run in Unity. Keep up the work guys, nice to know you’re on the team Dedean!

EDIT: Oh, and without a membership, you wouldn’t be able to get the “Blueprints” for the new styles.


Whoa whoa whoa! Take it easy mate! You can barely find people like dedean(just an example:D) who know something and help for free, so finding people that would be able to work together(besides it would be pretty hard to find some), who would spend A LOT of time working on the networking, on-line awards and membership categories, I doubt you’ll be able to get up and running All of these(and the rest of) features you’re looking after in less than 1 (one) year(of everyday work, of course). Assuming that you’ll have everything I’ve mentioned ready, the next hard step would be with the actual programming part, and with the compatibility issues between blender-python-java(a lot of other obstacles preventing you from finishing this game fast enough can still be mentioned). Please stop getting too excited and Come Back to EARTH, that is of course, if you can:).

Personally I always think you should hope for the best :eyebrowlift: but plan for the worst :evilgrin: with this in mind I would quite like looking into networking for my own project anyway, so i was going to take a sunday to read through :spin: this :spin: that might give me a heads up for my (much more simple) drum game, and i might be able to transfer what I learn into this project. Unfortunately I have only really scripted in AS2 (Old Flash Language), and so Javascript will inevitable be different :stuck_out_tongue: but i’m gonna give it ago :yes: anywho … found a free low poly human (rigged) to animate some weapons from, so i might have a go at that some time :smiley:

Just checking in. Any screens yet?

Everyone in my game (including myself) will be really busy this week…I’m house sitting, no blender on this computer…

ZOMGANOEXCUSE!! Blender is about 30mb, it will run off a usb stick. Nothing needs to be installed. download and blend to your hearts content…

(though given how big the scope of your project is and the work you’ve put in I can understand if you’re just taking an opportunity for a break)

Yes, well, I do work at their house as well, so I was just bitching. :yes: I just like to have Blender available at all times…:smiley: But I do need a break sometimes.

Well, i have screenies on the first two pages, but the work lately has been animating the models :slight_smile:

When the shooting animation is finished, i will post the .blend for you guys.


it seems no one is interested in Krypton anymore? =/


Some bombs would be required in order to make us pass school=free time:yes:

Advice, from someone who has tried and failed a few times, then finally succeeded in getting a game project moving: Make some significant progress yourself, before asking for help. I know, that’s not how it should be. But you have to remember, other people are not as interested in your game as you are. And there are other games out there, all trying to lure the best people. You’ve got to sell this game - make something that will entice, and excite would be helpers. Show people that you are have a solid foundation built. Otherwise, they will work on the more exciting games. You’ve got to be a salesman. And that’s the truth. Don’t just beg for help. Post an awesome screen or video, and then ask for help. Then keep posting awesome screens and videos. It’s like dating your first few dates with a girl/boy/woman/man/ - you’ve got to keep it exciting and interesting. Even if I’ve not made much progress in a while, I’ll always try to find something to keep my game interesting. Recently, I built a website for it. I try to make little things to post now and then (my rat, for example). It shows progress. Even small progress.

So, develop your game on your own a bit. Write up the game dev sheet - here’s mine:

On the development page:

I made a map the other day. I’ve been working on the story line. Not bragging. Trust me, I work very hard to keep people interested. It’s an art form. Ask around on successful game threads - you’ll hear similar ideas. Krum is being developed by one guy - not even sure he wants help. But if he did, trust me, legions would flock to his aid. Why? Great game, with great progress. It’s that simple.


Hi everyone! :smiley:
I made a little start on the vehicle assembler system. Here’s the link:

You can switch the ‘gun’ with the left and right arrow keys. (The tank and guns I made are just an example to show the system works.)

nice work dedean! i’ll need you to poly reduce it, because its waaaaaay to high poly. :slight_smile:

Hi, sorry. I haven’t lost interest in this game at all what so ever. Just I’m developing my own game at the moment, which is reasonably simple. I want to finish my game first because I’m using unity and I would like to use the knowledge gained for this project. Also, I have been working on the melee animations which should be pretty much finished by the end of today. I’ll upload them to this thread and you can tell me what you think. B.T.W. are we still using Unity? Because dedean’s gun selection system, as good as it is, is in Blender. I might have a go at converting it to Unity using his script if we are still using Unity. Also if we want this to be a MMO Unity will be a million times easier, because as far as I know it is very very difficult to make an MOG in Blender (only a few successful attempts).

  • Will

Yea im hoping to use unity. BTW, do any of you know how to convert a Sketchup model to blender SUCCESSFULLY??? i tried doing it but it didn’t work… I did the following-

Export - Google Earth 4
Saved it as 'KryptonProps.kmz"
Changed the name to “”
Extracted everything in the file
went to models in the .zip file
found the KryptonProps.dae
Imported it to blender using Colladda 1.4 (DAE)

It showed up as 8 cameras…? it was weird. 0.o SO… if i did anything wrong just PM me or post it on the thread.

@FibreFilms: I know you have your own game, so feel free to finish it then work on Krypton :smiley:


Why would you want to import a sketch-up model? In my humble opinion, it’s a vastly inferior program… Just model it in blender. Whatever you end up importing probably won’t be appropriate for the ge anyway.

@ShingWanTin 3Dmedieval is right. But if you still want to use a sketchup file send it to me and i’ll put it into a .blend! (Do you have Sketchup Pro? Cause you can export to .3ds and .obj and stuff). Anyway pretty much finished the first melee animation. I’ll upload it to MediaFire :smiley:

Mediafire link for the animation… is here.

Nice looking animation!

:confused: of course… :o I’m not so familiar with Unity… :eek: Do you happen to know some tutorials?

EDIT: I just downloaded it and I already found some tutorials…