Project Krypton

Unity web site is generally quite good for tutorials. I’m not sure how different blender python is from boo but you can probably switch it without too much trouble. Try the boo website.

Hey Guys! Sweet animation FibreFilms! I’d freely say you are on the top five GE animators out there! :smiley: I have been working on the medieval setting (a humungous castle based off of this its pretty cool. I am currently at 1,250 verts, with the front portion done (there are even spiral pathways through the towers! Here it is! Note: There are some parts in the towers that there is a wall in theway of the tunnel: I am aware. I will fix it :slight_smile:


Added a tower :smiley: Please comment on what you think about my castle so far! :yes:

The castle is awesome! Maybe a drawbridge/moat?
*(How will you be able to see your guys inside the towers in-game?) What’s the perspective, and how will the camera behave? Will you be able to “zoom in” to each guy’s “eye view”, or only see the battle from above?

I changed it so that the gameplay is sorta like Star Wars Battlefront II, You play as a unit until you die, then play as another. It is two player, and the rest are AI (That’ll be hard… :D) but yea the perspective is first person, the camera is located behind the character. if you have something that shoots, you will be able to look into the scope to zoom in for more accuracy.

I dont want to have a draw bridge, when you begin, both teams are located both inside and outside the castle. So I think a drawbridge would be a waste of time. (Pretty much, the war takes place inside and in the terrain around the castle.) But yea the castle is pretty sweet! :smiley:


Download link wouldn’t work :no: But the model you are basing it around look awesome! Also when you say the camera is behind the person do you mean 3rd person? Anyway glad you like the animation :smiley: I’m gonna work on the sword ones now. BTW one of the top 5 GE animators?! I dont think so :no: lol

Here is the most recent Castle Update :smiley:


@FibreFilms: The camera is located in the same place as in Battlefront like this ingame pic


Just to note to you guys, I won’t be posting any updates on the castle until its finished (I want to surprise you guys :D)


Can’t wait to see the castle, Unfortunately my brother is using the computer for coursework so I can’t do the animation tonite, but that camera angel looks good. I’m gonna have a look into A.I. now. But are we going to have 2 local players on 2 players connected over the Internet?

Sure, that sound great. maybe even more! We could have it so that there are certain servers and in each server there is one medieval era, one today era, and one future era! people come, join one, and then choose whose side to fight on (what should the two teams be called?)

I feel so awesome about the castle… :smiley:

Update to the Castle (I wont post a link until finished :D) I added a workshop, a smithy, and a food store, and a throne room is in WIP stage. its so awesome


Had a look at the second castle W.I.P you uploaded and it’s looking really good. Well done with it. Had a quick go at replacing the mace thing with the sword made a few adjustments and it’s starting to look promising. I will finish it tomorrow but I have to go to bed, I was absolutely knackered today. :smiley:

alright thanks for updating :smiley:

hmm, it seems that there are very few who are taking interest in this thread. FibreFilms and i are really the only ones to post regularly. =/ I’d like to see some feedback from the rest of the community…


Im starting something new!

Krypton Sneak Peek of the Day

Today’s sneak peek is on the castle WIP, check it out!

I hope this is a good idea… :smiley:

Concerning lack of interest:

Please read my post #70, here:

I didn’t receive a reply, but I think it’s worth reading and will help.

yea thats why im keeping the castle secret until finished, posting a screenie every day or two to make people excited for the finished castle. :smiley:

Try putting the screens on the first post so people don,t have to search through the thread.

Krypton Sneak Peek of the Day
is a good idea though, I think it should spark more interest in the project.

you like it? sweet… i thought it would be a good idea. I will edit onto the first post the post number for the screenies :smiley: