Project Krypton

Krypton Sneak Peek

~Castle Dining Room~

CastleSneakPeek2.jpe (64 KB)

Looks nice, try setting all objects to smooth, because I think Unity does it automatically when you import the files, so it will give you a better idea of what it will look like in the actual game. B.T.W. How many verts, faces, etc?

Finished one sword animation, you can find it here. I have deliberately not animated the legs so the animation can be played more easily whilst the character is running. I will also make a “double swish” or whatever you want to call it animation as well as a stab one later - probably tomorrow.

I’m in the texturing phase of the castle that i have so far. it looks pretty good!

Animation is good, as usual. :smiley: it would be good to have a one handed swing too…


Sure thing, I will try to finish the sword animations tonite. Can’t wait to see the castle! :smiley:

i cant wait to post it!

Texturing the castle, no Pic of the day until later

-Ben lol

anyways, im working on the modern setting for Krypton. That was a pic i found when searching up stoplights for a texture :smiley: anyways…

Krypton Sneak Peek

~Modern Setting - Clutter Screen~

Hope you like it :smiley:

Wow, thats looking good, animating is a bit slow at the moment sorry… I might have a go at doing a bit in a minute tho…

thats alright fibrefilms. I’m trying to find a pro texturer ATM, since i am not very good, but so far nobody has pm’d me back! I am working on finishing the whole intersection.


I got started with the future setting, the intersection there is almost complete. I’m going to take tomorrow off of Krypton mostly… just to let you all know


That’s fine with me, I have been working on my own project recently. However the sword animations are almost finished, just finalizing the stab action. I’ll work on a few run cycles next, probably not tonight though, sorry.

ok sounds good with me :smiley: I have been using a bit of my time to make a bookstore for the first project of my blender high-poly modeling attempt :yes: Anyways, I have almost completely finished the modern setting road parts, i’ll post an update later today


Krypton Sneak Peek

~Modern Setting - Intersection~


lights are too close together :wink:
Also, you need the cross walks going across the road

Agreed. Remove every other light pole. Also, bake the AO, and add some grunge, manholes, garbage cans etc. Good start though.

Yer, looking good. Finished the sword animations (at last), I’m gonna start on a walk cycle, or mabey gun animations, I dunno what do you think?

@FibreFilms: It would be nice to finish the walk cycle so we can test the other animations with the walk/run cycles. Or, if you want, go ahead and do the gun animations. You’re choice :yes:

@3dMedieval: This is just a start. All that stuff is going to come in its own good time :smiley:

@Mokazon: I will add crosswalks too… I wouldn’t forget them

I will get started on the stuff you suggested right away. I thought it would be cool if you could climb into the sewer pipes and use it as protection?


@FibreFilms: I wish we could have more like three or four attacks for the mace and sword. The guns one is fine. I like the sword animation, just it would be nicer if he swung it a lot wider around almost like a baseball bat. It would make it look more powerful. I will send a full list of animations i need (don’t worry i am trying to find another one to ease your load a bit) You’re doin great!


Haha, thanks. Yer, I’ll be able to do alot more once I finish my drum game. Just hit a snag I’m working on right now… :smiley: