Project Krypton

I had an idea. The menu will have the following options - Play, Customize, Upgrades, Store, and Games

Play - has the actual game where you do the “Krypton Project” You can earn money by completing levels

Customize - customize units, looks, weapons, etc

Upgrades - Get upgraded stats, weapons, and go to next age options

Store - Allows you to buy precious metals that you need to go to the next age

Games - Allows you to earn money

I had another idea that will explain the store

to upgrade to the next age, you need precious metals. see this

Medieval Age to Current Age: 100,000 Silver bars needed, full Medieval Map completed
Current Age to Future Age: 250,000 Gold bars needed, full Current Map completed
Future Age to Advanced Age: 500,000 Platinum Bars needed full Future map completed
Advanced Age to KRYPTON MASTERY: 1,000,000 Krypton Bars needed Full advanced map completed

Silver will cost $20 per bar
Gold will cost $1,250 per bar
Platinum will cost $1,850 per bar
Krypton will cost $3,000 per bar

Depending on how you do on each map you do, your government will pay you handsomely. :smiley: If you win every battle on the map, you get a $50,000 bonus. if you lose more than half of the battles, you have to start the map over.

Like the idea? I had better shut up now… :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, all sounds great. The only floor I can see is that it will be really complex. I’m sure we can get it done tho… :smiley:

  • Will

Definitely. I will finish the castle then get working on all that stuff :smiley:


I was wondering, is the gameplay similar to this:
In Legion Arena you compose an army before a battle and you give them some commands like advance or enveloppe, etc. You can control your units during the battle, but this control is limited, commands take some time to reach your units and you can only send out so many commands: as if your commands are carried to your units by messengers who can’t get there instantly while having a limited number of messengers.

If this is similar, in what time is it set? In the first post I read about some relatively modern weapons (pistol) but in later posts there’s talk about a castle which is more of a medieval theme.

No ive changed it. The gameplay is like Battlefront II.

Nobody posting for FOUR days? 0.o anyways, i haven’t gotten much done… finals are soon and I have a piano concert tonight too. I will get working on some of that stuff after the concert.

PS: GE-FORCE is helping out, and so is JESUSFRK14 :smiley:


Cool, sorry I have been working on the website for Drummer 3D 2. Done now, I’ll have a go at a walk cycle eventually. Sorry… anywho check the site out :smiley:

sorry I haven’t posted for a while. I have my final exam tomorrow. I’ll post a model of a heavy armoured unit.

btw, is there a limit to polygons you set? because my model might be over a thousand.


over 1,000 is fine, i can poly reduce it. anyways, i showed my best friend the highly confidential castle model. He thinks it is professional game worthy, just to let you know. the progress on it is good, and i have finals starting next monday.


I’ll do some of the animation. I can’t rig very well but if someone can rig for me i’ll do it! I’m working on Akonis the Bentus and A flight sim game so my time will be pretty filled up but i can do some animation.

Great! Thanks pirate. If you look into previous post you can see where I have posted blends. They have a rigged model in. It’s not great because I downloaded it from somewhere but I think it will do.

And what do you want me to animate???

I will send you a list of stuff we need and then when they are modeled and rigged send them on to the Animating Team (Pirate and FibreFilms) :yes: Do you have an email address?


hey guys,

@ Shinkwantin- I’m going to download unity and try to learn so I can further help in this game, so do you have any tutorials I can use?:eyebrowlift:

I did some concept art of the units I wanted to create for the game.

If you dislike any of the units just let me know.:wink:

The one I’m currently on is the oblitorator. It’s a heavy armour unit for a futuristic race. (the human race). I already finished half of it.

Here’s a concept of what it’s going to look like:

Here’s the next unit:

Here’s the last unit I sketched:

if anyone could think of a name for the “no name” one, that would be great. I was thinking something that sounds godly.:spin:

comments are welcome!:smiley:


I do but everytime i open hotmail my computer freezes so i will great a gmail acounnt and pm you the address

Do we want the characters (humans) to be always running. Because I am imagining the characters always running about. Also when it’s a computer game and doesn’t use analogue sticks you need a different key for running forwards. I always find that a bit awkward. Thoughts? Also thats means thats only one movement cycle :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Will

since no one posted for a while, I’ll post a few screens of the WIP oblitorator.

no .blends for now!

comments are welcome!:smiley:

looks good but you need much more details XD

Use Normal Maps, they will give you more detail and won’t slow fps like more polys, a good way to do it is to make that model really detailed then bake normals and use it on a lower poly version, or the other way is to get normal map plugin for gimp or whatever you use and convert textures to normal maps, but that won’t get you quite the effect you may want, but it still looks better than without.

-Same here for the comanche(unfortunately, You guys will have to make it more futuristic-I can’t think of a good one).
