Project Krypton

@ AncientGreek- yes I will be adding more detail to the model to make it fit the design on the paper.

@ Inferno- I will be adding normal maps to the character so don’t worry.:slight_smile:

I’ll try to create a more futuristic version, but I’ll do that after I finish my characters. :wink:

I think the game is progressing well so far.:yes:

Still waiting for the email shingwantin. Check your PM

I haven’t been on here forever, i know. Finals. anyways, i am just about finished with the list for Pirate___Man :yes: FINALLY! lol


@Dhaher: The High armor stuff is too much like Transformers. It shouldn’t be so bulky. Model him more along the lines of Iron Man. He has high tech armor, yet it is thin and you can actually tell its a human inside. I know, im really picky. I am that way. :stuck_out_tongue:


well, I was thinking more like the terran marine from starcraft 2, not transformers. I think making him look bulky shows that he’s a heavy armoured unit. If you want him to be thinner, I’d do that. Buy I’ll have to revise the design. I could do that, or I could finish this one and make a unit that is less bulky.

Pick a solution!:smiley:

I have an idea: Make a whole bunch of different heavy armor units, and then we will choose the best ones.


I am almost done with a battle arena - The Colosseum. It would be epic I think… You would be able to go behind the seats into the rooms behind, there would be trap doors, and maybe even lions that you could train (Training Tech is only available to members, not limited users) them to fight for you! Epic… :stuck_out_tongue:


do you think sketches would be accurate enough to help you judge? cause modelling would be tedeous.:frowning:

I’m going to stay with my Grandmother for a week. Ill basically be sitting around doing nothing for the week so its a great time for me to get some work done on blender, (I’ll be taking my laptop) She lives in the country though so there is no internet. if you wangt me to do any animating in the next week just email or post the blend file and a DETAILED description of how it moves…

@Dhaher: sure, sketches would work.
@Pirate___man: ill email you a ninja and a list of moves. :smiley:

What is the game view? first person? Third person? Top view?

first person

Tomorrow is the last day of school for me! then i will be able to work on the game more. first, i will post a list of all the things needed. BTW, have any of you played Warfare 1944? The game is sorta like that. You need to advance your troops until you reach the end of the map. But when you go to the next level, it isn’t side view, but first person like battlefront :smiley:

The list of stuff we need are:


  • Medieval Age (The Castle is the final battle)
  • Exploration Age (The Tree City is the final battle)
  • Current Age (The Colosseum is the Epic Battle, The White House is the final battle)
  • Future Age (The Moon Colony is the final battle)
  • Advanced Age (The Missal Factory is the final battle)
  • Krypton Age (The Kryptonium Mines are the final battle)

Medieval Levels

19 levels are needed plus the final battle.
They can be out in the country, im small communities, in the mountains, across fields, in forests, and id like to have one in a corn field :stuck_out_tongue:
Be sure to include quite a few rivers
Cities have cobblestone pathways, tudor style buildings, and a medieval feel
Dirt pathways outside of the cities

Medieval Characters

Dual Swordsman
Mace Warrior
Hunter (Female, black clothing, uses a bow and arrow)
Fire Hunter (Female, black and red clothing, uses a bow and fire arrow)

Exploration Levels

19 levels plus one Final battle
They need to be in unexplored territory (Jungles, Swamps, Mountains, deserts, etc)
again, rivers are needed
no cities in this one, maybe small nomadic settlements

Exploration Characters

machete man

I will post the rest later

I didn’t recieve an email but i have to go now. i’ll do the animation for the ninja when i get back. :slight_smile:

Shingwantin, when you say the gameplay is like Battlefront I am guessing you mean StarWars Battlefront? If so then it’s actually 3rd person not 1st. Also do you play as one character and your troops will follow and then if you do you change to another character in your army? Anyway started work on a cornfield level. Which moves onto an easier normal field level (hardly any enemies) which you should just waltz through (to make up for the hardcore battle at the cornfield :stuck_out_tongue: ). Which then leads into a forest/swamp/heavily wooded area/group of trees. I’ll post some screens tomorrow.

  • Will

that sounds AWESOME, Will! Yea Starwars Battlefront II, actually. :stuck_out_tongue: And when you die, it is the same as in battlefront. you regenerate as a character of your choice. The idea is the same too. There are say 50 on each team on the battle field at a time. there are 150 troops in total for each team. When one character dies, their troop total goes down to 149, yet he regenerates as a new character and there are still 50 on their team. When the total gets down to 49, then only 49 are left on the team, and so on until you reach zero, then the other team wins. in other words, just like battlefront II :stuck_out_tongue:

by the way, i ACED my Science final (100%) w00t


Wow, congratulations on your exam! I happened to get 100% on the first of 12 I have to do (havent done anymore yet). Anyway, I see. Sounds like it will be allot like battlefront 2 then :stuck_out_tongue: , but it doesn’t matter. we’ll have made a sort of improved version (not all futuristic). B.T.W. is this still an MO? For instance your 50 on the battle field are all controlled by users. So then whenever anyone dies there less troops in total? Because in MOs you die allot, and kill allot, so there will have have to be a huge amount more of total troops. But that doesn’t matter. Also if it is what will the different teams be called? (Red/Blue Alpha/Beta Alliance/Rebellion :p) Also also are we going to have CTF, because no good MO doesn’t have CTF! :smiley:

95/100 on my Algebra final! :smiley:

We need to get organized. It seems that we are making stuff, but it isn’t getting us get much closer.

I am going to make a google docs site that shows what we do have done and what we need. That is, after i take my History Final :yes:

By the way, what is CTF?


The google docs idea sounds good. Well done on your final and good luck for your next. CTF is capture the flag. the different teams need to collect the enemy flag and bring it back to their own base. The team that captures the enemy flag the most wins.

Hi guys,
Sorry for not posting for such a long time, the last day of school for me will be in a couple of weeks… Afterwards, I’m going to be working on the Unity stuff. :slight_smile:

great to hear from ya, Dedean!

I got 88% on my last final… aka DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR THE YEAR!!! w00t

I am starting on a medieval level in a forest. coming along good!
