Project Kunoichi (no name yet) [!nudity!]

I guess she can :confused: Though the thighs defomations are a little weird, indeed.


WOW! So far that’s the best I’ve seen for it!!

It doesn’t get glitchy when you pose it around? Like the knee going backward because an unexpected turn at the hip? I ask this because it could be a problem if it were to be animated.

Could you show some weight painting? :slight_smile:

Thanks for the fast answer :slight_smile:

The knees and elbows are oriented by pole targets, then I need to adjust them too when I do animations.

There is no real direct weight painting on the model since I’m using the Mesh Deform technique to skin it. I only ‘separated’ the head, hands and feet from the body (an armature modifier after the MD modifier, with MultiModifier enabled).

I see, then I guess it’s time for me to experiment with mesh deform then.

By the way, reading the thread you talked about using shape keys to correct some bendings, it’s the same technique that was used at blender foundation’s BBB movie? (something about using two blend files, in the secong load the vertex position of the first one and sculpt them to the desired position) I read a little about it and sounded way too hard at that moment, and I can’t find the link again.

Thanks for the answers ^^

Actually, creating controled shapes is really easy:

  • you pose your character (ie: the elbow at 90 degree),
  • you create the shape (keep the Basis intact, then create an other one),
  • in edit mode, you adjust the vertices,
  • in the IPO curve editor, with the object selected, set it to Shape (the little menu in the header)
  • you’ll see each shapes you created on the right. Press the N key to display the transform/channel properties (ultra usefull!)
  • select the shape and enter the armature name in OB of the transform properties, then the bone (BO), then Pose and then the axis (ie Rot X, if the elbow rotate on the X axis).
  • on the curve ‘space’ press I key to insert a curve,
  • then you just need to adjust it, knowing that 9 on the X correspond to 90 degree and 1 on the Y axis correspond to the shape influence (then the maximum if your shape go from 0 to 1)

Go on page 3 to see a screenshot of it :rolleyes: (I don’t hv the time right now to create one)

It worked like a charm! Thanks for all!
It was easier than I remembered :confused:

Great work Kagi!! it is looking awesome!

Have you tried the mask modifier?? It could be an alternative to making an invisible material. The mask modifier hides parts of the mesh based on a vertex group. You could disable the modifier in the viewport for cloth baking, but leave it enabled in the rendering, so that the clothed parts of the body aren´t rendered.

@jpbouza: great tip! I’ll be using it a lot in the future for sure.

You´re welcome chimpmasque!! It was just a thought!

Kagi, waw, I got stuck in the second page, and I hadn´t seen the latest pregress!!


Now I must ask, I saw some lattice like controllers in the hair, is that mesh deform applied to the hair???

I´ve been having a lot of troubles with cloth lately…what are your cloth parameters?? Did you finally use the invisible material or did cloth calculation just worked well enough for collision detection??

Again, amazing job!!

Thank you :o

The hair is polygons with transmap :confused: …and you probably thought it was lattice or else, but no, only polygons with armature (and soft body sometimes)

For the outfits, I use this method:

  • Mesh Deform modifier with the same settings as the character (dynamics enabled on both).
  • Then an armature modifier with MultiModifier enabled, to skin the parts that doesn’t follow the MD, with a vertex group to mix them (I can adjust the deformations too by mixing the MD and the armature).
  • Then the soft body, with vertex group to set which parts will move and which will not.

I don’t hide parts under the cloth sim, the only hidden parts are the legs, under the stockings. I don’t need to hide the rest of the body.

I didn’t think about the mask modifier,I’ll give it a try too, thx :yes:

Right now, I’m doing a complete ‘restart’ again. I adjust the body proportions, create new hands and feet, will do a new armature from scratch, new UVs, etc… :ba:
