Project Olive character "Jonesy"

This looks exceptionally good so far!!

the character looks great and i love the style your going for, i cant wait to see more!

no crits from me, but ill keep look :wink:

A high IOR-factor on the goggles might be cool.
Looking forward to updates!


looking awesome dude!
keep up the good work

This is beginning to look just great. However, I’m still bothered a little with the walkcycle. But after studying it a bit, I found out why. The shoulders are too far back, and his chest is sticking out too far. Make the upper body less tense, and it should look great! Keep it up.


well, the olive project has entered an indefinite hiatus; but on the bright side (maybe), if you want him, i’ve uploaded the jonesy character right here: JONESY

i packed all the textures with it, but if i goofed up somewhere, let me know and i’ll add those here too.

stipulations for use: the character keeps the name “jonesy”, no commercial work (unless you talk to me about it first) and you have to reference me, dave ward, as the creator (i.e. “dave ward’s ‘jonesy’ character”).
aside from that, use him for anything you want.

don’t be too harsh when you judge my rigging :o i think it should be pretty intuitive, but any questions, just ask.


I see you model the body of the character and then model the clothing seperately.
How did you make the rigging weightpaint.
Do you weight paint each of the meshes separately.

My problem is when I am trying to animate the character the skin-body is getting to throught the clothing.

yeah everything is separate, and i have that problem too; the only real solution i’ve found is to create a shape key on the character, and make all the body parts under the clothes scaled down a lot, so they don’t go through.


Thanks for the explanation.

This was my problem.