So I’m trying to make a pattern of hexagonal scales formed as a skirt as part of my armor project. The only way I know to do this, is to use the hair modifier- however, I need the hair modifier to have the scales in a pattern so that they overlap properly. Now, I know I can do this by having the scales emit from vertices, but making the shape of the scale skirt in precisely even hexagons is far beyond what I am able to do.
So, I want to take my two-dimensional hexagonal grid object, and somehow project it onto the surface of the ‘skirt’ shape I made. However, I cant find any way to do this. I can snap to face, but that depends on the camera angle, while shrinkwrap works similarly but as a modifier. I need it to wrap around the object. Alternatively, if this is not possible, I need some other way to spawn the hair objects in a precise pattern.
the pattern in question that I want it to look like:
Are you open to making this with a texture ? it might be easier to use straight UVs
as a person completely incapable of making textures, it is to be avoided where possible. I dont have any clean, borderless, flat-on images of hexagonal scales nor the slightest inkling of how to make that procedurally.
edit: also, as an adendum, I’d like the scales to have visible gaps between them and a sawtooth-shaped edge where they cut off just like real scales would.
Oh that’s not a problem. You only need one repeating hexagon, which you can make following Erindale’s instructions here : Then plug your UVs into it
A procedural hexagon won’t have aliasing issues because it’s not a raster texture, so no worries there. As for the gaps, you’ll need to use the hexagon texture as displacement, if you’re ok with that. It won’t work with Eevee though.
Another technique would be using vertex instancing (used to be called “dupliverts”). It’s an old method on the verge of being phased out in favor of geometry nodes, but for now it’s quite handy. However hexagons being what they are, the skirt’s edgeloops will have to be wavy (so the hexagons from different rows lock on each other instead of being aligned). I guess what you could do is have a different object deforming with the skirt (same weights, or using a meshdeform), and that object would be the one duplicating the hexagons, not the skirt itself.
Could you explain this ‘vertex instancing’ more? I looked it up and didnt find an immediately clear explanation. As for the skirt, the object that the scales are to be emanating from is invisible already, I only want the scales visible.
Incidentally, considering textures. Perhaps there is a way to use U.V.'s to do what I want? is there any way I could project my hexagonal grid onto the U.V. textures and then somehow convert that into an object? or is this that not how that works
I don’t know of any mechanic that would convert from UVs to an object. It’s an interesting take nonetheless, could be a useful tool but I’m afraid it’s imaginary at this point. 
Look up dupliverts on youtube you’ll find plenty of explanations.
Good, then I would go that route. However I don’t know how well a surface made of hexagons can deform. Is this meant to be animated ? You should expect some interpenetrations when it deforms, folds, etc.
not animated, but it will be posed. Or at least, I will try to pose it. I have no idea if I’ll actually be able to since I dont know the first thing about rigging, so I’m expecting tons of clipping anyways.
This you can ask about in the rigging section we’ll be happy to help.
This is not the first time I ask myself if a hexagon web can deform sufficiently well to be used as garment. I remember having this thought at the sight of the powersuit in Wolfenstein :’at_Yichud_Power_Suit
My guess is that the tile must be able to accomodate small folds, so the higher the hexagon density the less clipping you’ll get.
ok well, I will investigate this ‘duplivert’ in the morning. thankyou for the lead.