Python for Autodesk FBXSDK

On the site noted above,

Here on this site I have shown how to install Autodesk’s FBXSDK.
This described method allows you to view and edit FBX information on Blender (or on VSDODE).

As a practical matter,
I think it would be difficult to make FBX modules “for distribution” add-ons, since they are not modules, or built-in objects, but probably external libraries or plug-ins.

Also, if you can do C++, you might want to “maturely” code in C++…

But…I think I can realize an environment where I can easily change the output FBX to other environments after FBX output for my personal environment, so I will share it here in the thread community.

As a sample, the code below edits the material information.

import fbx

def create_material(scene):
    # Create a new material
    node = scene.GetRootNode().GetChild(0)
    material = node.GetMaterial(0)
    # Display the name of the material for testing
    print("Material Name:", material.GetName())
    # Set specular reflection information for the material
    material.ReflectionFactor.Set(0.5)  # Set the specular reflection coefficient
    material.SpecularFactor.Set(1)       # Set the strength of specular reflection
    material.Specular.Set(fbx.FbxDouble3(0.2, 0.8, 0.8))  # Set the color of specular reflection
    return material

def import_fbx(scene, manager, filen_path=""):
    # Create an importer instance
    importer = fbx.FbxImporter.Create(manager, "MyScene")
    # Initialize the FBX file
    # Import into the scene
    # Close the importer
    # Modify material information
def export_fbx(scene, filename):
    # Create an exporter instance
    exporter = fbx.FbxExporter.Create(scene, "")
    # Set the filename for the exporter
    exporter.Initialize(filename, -1)
    # Export the scene to the file
    # Close the exporter

# Create an instance of the FBX Manager
manager = fbx.FbxManager.Create()

# Create an instance of the scene
scene = fbx.FbxScene.Create(manager, "MyScene")

import_fbx(scene, manager, filen_path = "1.fbx")

# Export the scene
export_fbx(scene, "output.fbx")

I am a layman when it comes to coding and 3D, so I hope this will give some good tips to those who are actually involved in FBX output in the field.

Other than Console.
To achieve autocomplete, etc. in Blender’s text editor, is it an add-on I maintain?

Animation (4)

I recommend the following add-ons.

Animation (3)