Quad Remesher auto-retopologizer

Strange. Have you checked for hidden geometry / non manifold? Removing parts sometimes give problems in Blender. For the curiosity’s sake, try to do another one from scratch…

Same problem. I don’t think this is a blender issue

It could be a software anomaly. Feed the model to the programmer. As strange as it seems, sometimes trivial models break the code, as they can go untested…

EDIT: Out of curiosity, post it here, if you don’t mind.

That’s the thing. This tool can handle much more complex scenarios, but it fails with a simple triangular mesh

I wouldn’t say it’s failure of the software. You’re asking it to convert a single triangle into thousands and keep the profile, which it did. Garbage in, garbage out and all that.

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Why is this garbage?! The tools is suppose to work with hard surface as well, beside this I tried to subdivide that triangle several times before running the tool and the result is the same.

I can’t tell if you’re being serious, for one, a single triangle doesn’t need to be re-topologized and it’s hardly an example of “hard surface” except in a strict definition of the words. It seems more like you’re just throwing an edge case at it just to see what comes out.

If that’s not the case, then I apologize for the misunderstanding and I’d love to know more about what you’re really doing.

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I did some carving with boxcutter and I noticed that some triangular areas of the mesh are poorly handled by the tool. Nothing more. And, being able to hande simple scenarions as a simple trianagular surface is not just a corner case, it’s a real use case scenarion all the time.

Ahh, I see now. I don’t have access to my computer with my Quad Remesher license on it at the moment or I’d check for myself but does the same thing happen on the current release version or just the release candidate?

Same problem with v1.0

Try slightly beveling the sharp vertices of the flat shape (select vertices, Control + Shift + B, increase the bevel roundness using mouse wheel).

Alternatively, use the tetrahedron solution and delete all faces except one triangle side.

Quad Remesher is probably more suitable for volumes in stead of single-sided meshes.

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Interesting, thanks for the tip.

If you subdivide one open edge on the triangle, it produces something much better.

Maxime is asking if grease pencils are a good way to draw guiding lines on a mesh? Are there any other alternatives?
Personaly, I think this is the best way to do it. There is only one drawback to it. It can’t draw looping curves around limbs like retopoflow contours is doing it, and I don’t know any other plugin which can do that.

Of course, you can use the knife tool but that is not easy to convert back to a grease pencil curve


What about Blender creases or sharps? In the release version, it seems like it ignores sharps, at least on the model I tried to use them on to maintain a sharp profile it did.

Also, there’s the new Face Sets.


Sharp is working. You have to turn off detect hard edges, turn on use normal spliting and make sure that you have auto smooth active. Then, edges marked as sharp will be considered correctly.


Will quad remesher take an architectural dae model like a house and convert it to quads in blender? Thanks

It depends on how complex the model is. Quad Remesher is not impeccable, but usually returns quite satisfactory results, and it can handle sharp edges. Ideally your model should be manifold to avoid unexpected results.

Have a look at the example models on the Exoside site. At least one hard-surface model is included.

Thank you Metin_Seven.

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I am getting crashes when I try to use quad remesher v1 or 1.1 in blender 2.83 or 2.9. Do you feel same?
I use windows.