"Quick Access Panel" Free Blender Add-on for Blender 2.8

I have been working on an add-on that allows the user to have quick access to multiple settings in the N panel without having to leave Full Screen.

This add-on includes:

  • “Tedious Imports” - This was my very first script originally put in the Render Panel but I have now moved it to the Quick Access for easy Imports and Exports of .blends, .OBJ’s, and .FBX files
  • “Quick Settings” - This allows the user to have quick access to the World Transparency, Render Region, and Crop to Render Region function along with the Denoiser.
  • “Render Settings” including the chance to choose between Cycles and EEVEE, Render button, Render Settings (Samples and Viewport Samples,) and light bounces.
  • “Color Management” - The Color Management panel for quick tweaking, while staying in Full Screen.

If anyone has an idea that could be implemented in my script, please let me know!

You can download the add-on for free here!
See my other renders here!


Thanks for sharing the addon. That is a very good idea. I am currently using pro sidebar but it is good to discuss what should and shouldn’t. I need import and export e.g. not in such a panel but modifier and light and camera ( Photographer ) in any case.

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Thank you for your reply!

Can you elaborate on what you mean by that? You want easy access to things like Camera, Light, and modifier settings in the a quick panel?

Yes, I think Pro Sidebar already has a good selection, but I wanted more specific options. Like the photographer Addon or Gaffer for light. If I have a self-configurable side panel such as pie menu editor would definitely be worth 20 €

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I’m only a beginner in Python and coding in general, but I will definitely play around with that concept. I also never use Pie Menu’s (Except the ones shipped in 2.81 ) so that will be a fun thing to learn! Thank you for your suggestion :slight_smile:

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For what it’s worth, next version of Photographer will add everything you need for your camera into the N-panel.

EDIT: Sorry hijacking @JosephForthun , your add-on idea is pretty great!

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I’m now following the thread. I think that add-on is freaking awesome

And thank you for a wonderful add-on

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Ohh thanks I didn’t know that, very well. It is also more important to me to have a self-configurable n-panel without having to program.

Yes, great, I see great potential for a configurable n-panel (without programming knowledge). I am also not a big fan of pie menues, it was about the configurable. But while I’m at it :slight_smile: The art of the developer is not to make it too complex, for example at machina tools. That would scare me off if I need 3 days (exaggerated) before I have the configuration as I want. A simple (I know that there is a lot of programming work behind) this panel I would like to have as an n panel would be enough.

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