Quick Toolbox addon for Blender 2.8+

It would be nice!

Actually, for me your addon is must have in both - mesh editing and sculpt modes.

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Thanks for the comment :blush:. Hopefully the add-on will get better.
I wanted to know what you think about below feature.
So after implementing auto-updating the add-on, do you want the update to take effect instantly or after restarting blender?

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For me as for a user both ways are nice if the window will remember my settings :slight_smile: . I think if you can implement ā€œinstantā€ plugin update it would be cool, but to restart Blender - this isnā€™t big deal at all and maybe second option is easier to implement.

Yeah, the second option is already implemented and itā€™s working great.
But, after updating from the current version, the settings will not be saved. I will surely implement a feature to retain the settings in the next update. Sorry for that :frowning:

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Wow, itā€™s cool anyway! Waiting for the update :smiley:

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Wow, this seems like it will be really useful for brush presets. I am using Blender sculpting packs with 550 presets.

A couple of questions.

  • Is it possible to increase the row-height, to allow for bigger brush thumbnails?
  • Could I request that truncated names keep the last 3 characters, like ā€˜Damage_Rusty_012ā€™ becomes shortened to ā€˜Damā€¦012ā€™ ? This is helpful when using sets of presets with the same name.

Thanks so much for trying the add-on.
550 presets wow! Looking at your screenshot, I feel like adding a new pagination feature, pages 1, 2 etc.

Not currently. Although I can increase the row height, the size of the preview remains same.

Yes, I will try to implement it in next update if possible.


Maybe using some sort of subfolder method could be easier?

Taking the above image as an example you would have buttons: Crack, Creatureā€¦etc

Great! That will be a very organized way of accessing the presets.
we can also do close-able containers. We can have multiple containers containing the presets.


Thanks! Yes it is a huge sculpting pack from Gumroad but I love it.

Sorry for interrupting with a newbie quesiton. I just bought this and Iā€™m still quite new to Blender and unsure whatā€™s the advisable approach for making this work. My Space key is bound to playback animation. Iā€™m not sure I want to sacrifice that key, so Iā€™m wondering, whatā€™s a decent alternative? Iā€™m thinking, rebinding the stock Shift Space (Toolbar/wm.toolbar) for Quick Toolbox makes 100% sense, right? Please chime in. Would this be advisable?

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Yes, Shift+Space is good! You can also use Alt+Space, they are close to each other.

Thanks BMan. Yeah, I consider Alt-Space but would have to unbind Keypirinha (win launcher). Always these sacrifices :slight_smile: (For now, I ended up binding it to left/side thumb button on my mouse.)

While I have you on the phone here: I guess this question/suggestion is not particular for this addon, but Iā€™d very much like to be able to click away or toggle if you will, menus and pie menusā€¦ Is there a way to add in the API for this addon, a bs.hide_toolbox operator or some way to toggle it off by the same shortcut that invoked it? In my opinion, this actually makes a huge usability improvement and itā€™s also fully logic. Same as Tab toggles Edit mode on and off, in a way.

I would really like to implement bs.hide_toolbox operator, but I havenā€™t found a way to implement that.
Making a custom gui like Sculpt Wheel addon, can make it possible to hide and open the toolbox with an operator. Iā€™m looking forward to make custom GUIs in blender.


A project I am currently working. Please share your thoughts and what features you would like to be implemented in the upcoming app. Thank you ^^

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I finally released BlenderAxom. Please try it out and provide feedbacks. Your feedbacks are really appreciated. Also please share it.


Your feedback are really valuable for us. So please provide your feedback about the app here!

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This is a bit annoying.

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Sorry for late replies. I was really busy!
Yup, some uiā€™s are not working as intended.

Today I finished implementing custom UI using IMGUI.
I used https://github.com/eliemichel/BlenderImgui and modified it to work as intended for me.
Really happy with the result.

I will use it to make a custom ui for quick toolbox


Very cool! Thanks for the link.
I may use that for my own addons at some point. :face_with_monocle::pray:

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