“avanced vehicle simulations”, you have 3 scenes in this blend. this cars can to skid.
I founded it here
I hope it helps you.
“avanced vehicle simulations”, you have 3 scenes in this blend. this cars can to skid.
I founded it here
I hope it helps you.
I can only say: Good Job. The ‘car’ feels pretty real. Although sometimes when you turn it at a high velocity it starts to spin really fast. But that’s probable happening because there isn’t a lot of mass pressing on the weels. It takes pretty long to make the car accelerate to it’s top speed.
I played a bit with the environment. Changed the floor a bit.
- AniCator
I was playing with fricttion in wheels, it is in the last part of the script. I think for more realistic way, the friction has to be velocity function. I will try the next days.
thanks alot!
yes i played with friction, force, steer and GRAVITY!
its beginin to be realy cool to control the car at high speed
I’ll take a look at this link
thanks again
why there isn’t friction parameter there anymore?
the bullet template with the audi car have it.
you have friction for each wheel, you have it in the script, at the end, change the numer I think by default is 10 and 8 or something similar.
Ok i’ll look at it.
Maybe there’s a way to change the friction from one surface to another
It would be super realistic in the simulation
of course, make a empty, and a collision sensor. Give diferente properties to the diferents grounds.
make a property in logics brics. like. “groundfriction”
collision:road ------> and-------> property"groundfriction=10"
and in the escript:
friction = owner.groundfriction
I’ll make an example for you if you don’t get my explanation.
So, we are going on the right way.
All this parameters are cool and if you make an example better!
how can we make the wheels spin fastest then the the ground pass by?
And when crash and the car go upsidedown, the wheels dont seem to acelerate aswell.
is the force applied on the wheels, i mean, if we cold make the wheels have torque cause it seem to have nothing to do with the wheels. It seems that is not the wheels that make the car move.
maybe i’m wrong, i dont know.
it would be nice to make realtime shadows only for the car.
that tecnique where we swap the real car model for one with less polys only to project the shadows.
there is one line on the script that is: vehicle.apllyengineforce(chassis.force*.4,0)
so the force is not on the wheels?
maybe the force cold be on the chassis, but it should point on the wheels direction…
and then we simply have to change the center of the force to front or rear
In this expample you have a road, when you are over the road, the force apply to the engine and the frictions in the back wheels are diferente from when you are not over the road.
For more realism you can even apply a diferent friction and force to each wheel.
About the force, You define the engine force and over which wheel is going to be applied.
yes it is. “chassis.force*4,0” the number 0 means the force is in the wheel 0.
edited: New version, press space to flip the car and go back to the normal position.
Advice. Use edit button instead of make a lot of posts.
I wonder how would you do 6 wheeled “mars rover” type of controls for it?
If I’m not wrong, mars rover has 6 wheels, front and back can turn. You can add all the wheels you want and add steer or not to each one.
I’m not sure but I think it can be done.
Yes, it can be done. Here’s a proof:
Game looks AWESOME!
“avanced vehicle simulations”, you have 3 scenes in this blend. this cars can to skid.
I founded it here
I hope it helps you.
l download it, but i make a hill, like AniCator did, and it goes right though it. how do i fix that?
change bounds or try adding objets to makes hills.