Race Game - Need Help With Car Physics!!!

its pretty advanced for me, but i think i understand, but i dont know … :smiley:

Can you make like a turbo section where the car gets a boost with this template? I’m thinking of trying to make a game like TrackMania… Can this be done using this template?


  • Pret_Letter

Impressive work, I saw on some page a screen with 60,000 faces runs on 30 frames. That’s very good.
How many polys are your car/s?
You may need to do some kind of LOD system for the tracks, I’m sure that framerate will increase greatly.

Great looking racing game you have there. Keep up!

looks good! gonna watch this one…

If those first images had been put out of context, I would have thought it was a photo. Man. Keep up the great work.


cant wait to play, looks really good :smiley:

just make sure it runs on slower pcs, like mine, cos im really lookin forward to playin this

Great looking game there, good luck :wink:

how is it coming?

i think i’m back. :yes:
here’s the link to the file
i will make a new file with a simple suspension system for we to examinate
a liked alot the “GRID race driver” demo. take a look on youtube. search for GRID DERBY :eyebrowlift:

  • please let me know your in game frames per second and your computer specification
    since i installed vista my blender game engine seems to make some kind of slowdown

The framerate drops when I see the trees near the bridge. :open_mouth:
The track looks nice. There are some design ‘glitches’ at the bridge. The terrain does not really connect to the bridge. However I noticed you were using a proxy mesh to resemble the bridge for a short amount of time.

Nice track!

- AniCator

what program do i need to open this?



7 Zip, but Alohaspy sompress it to a zip file, its more universal

Hi, i started this project based on the previous template i was workin on.
The .blend file is in the link so if anyone could help to put the wheels on the right place :spin:
I think it have to be made by editin the phyton script named vehicle that i see in the logic of the cube (car), but i culdnt find it!
so, is there a script on it?
if it is, can i edit it?
i want to implement things like “real wheels traccion” like we see in last gen games heheh
it must be possible in blender im sure

ps. look at the glsl shadows in .blend file , great stuff :wink:

rendered image
.blend file

Well, i made it!
The wheels are on the right place now.
Im working in a way to link the lamp2 (witch casts shadows) in the car, but only the x and y position axis and dont want the light to rotate when the car turns.
This is because the spot that casts shadows (lamp2) focus only where the car is, so i dont need a big buffer size for the shadow.
I tryed to make the car parent for the lamp but, the shadows turn with the car, and i could not find a way to disable parent for the rotation…
I also tryed to add a constraint modifier for the lamp2 but, as i play the game the shadow dont follow the car…

here are 2 files

this one needs such linking option for the lamp2

and this one dont need, but the shadow quality is worse. you can rise the shadow buffer size but will lower the framerate as the game become more complex…

I still need that someone help me doing improvements in the suspension and traccion systems
the phyton scrypt was made by someone at “continuous physics” and is named “vehicle simulation” or something…
if someone right a tutorial with this subject would be so nice
example image:

these files can be unzipped with 7zip

Hi, i started a new thread about my dragster racer so it have its own thread.
its “Dragster Racer Game”
there you will find the latest updates of this project
see you there!

hey, i think i can help out with your car physics
do u got an email rather then this thread
email me, [email protected]


Yes, help is welcome!
game video:

:eek: Wow :eek: thats a couple of awsome looking screens right there - whats the vertices count in the scene? :rolleyes: Im not good with advanced physics - but some people are - you really want to give the car a sort of feeling so it bumps around on the hydrolics.

Well… doesnt look too real… I mean it stops like in wall… also if i remember correctly… Drag racing cars have nearly to Nil Suspension… (would be quite leathal i think)… Other than that… looks very nice start anyway…

[edit] I mean … “doesnt look too real” as in physics … not the visual side…

Those are some sweet screens right there… whats the FPS for the game? seems like a promising future for the game :cool:

It’s about 55 fps and have lots to be optimized.
The future of this project and the dragster racer’s one is depending on the physics more than everithing else.
Even the damage system seems to be easyer to be made.
I hope i can see the light on the end of this tunnel i got into :S