Ragdoll Early Access

New patch release is out, addressing some minor bugs, primarily related to the 100 frame trial limit and a few papercuts when recording your simulations.

Ragdoll 2024.03.07

In particular check out this awesome thread and animation from user @Manikandan_Rajendran!



Hi all,

There’s a new tutorial out! This one is about tweaking existing animation, such as motion capture, with physical parameters to create variations and generally just have fun. :blush:

It uses a motion capture clip from Mixamo and applies physics to just one arm at first, followed by the second arm for some different kind of dance moves.

Any questions, feel free to ask here or on YouTube, we’ll be on the lookout!

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Even more tutorials


Here’s a continuation of the *Slap’n’Sass Tutorial above, this time simulating the entire character rather than just the arms, covering:

  1. Transition from Animation to Simulation
  2. Recording into a new Action (“Layer”)
  3. Separating meshes by Loose Parts
  4. Joining Meshes
  5. Appending Markers onto an existing character

How have things gone so far? If you come up with something cool, feel free to post it here. Including any questions you may have, or requests for things to see! :hugs:

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Just want to give my opinion on this. While this is a reasonable way to set the price, I think ultimately what matters most is what price will get you the most profits, which nobody knows for certain. But just judging by the Blender community, most are pretty poor, and not just poor by first world standard. I understand you are not a charity and so it’s not like you should offer a lower price just because some people can’t afford it, but $1 from 10 people and $10 from 1 person is the same in terms of profits. I do hope you can lower the price, not because your software isn’t worth that much, but because of how many people can afford it. Maybe a lower price will actually increase your profits. Who knows?

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Definitely not poor, but I could make an argument for cheap, based on how many people are complaining about the price here :roll_eyes:


Well how do you know they are definitely not poor? Though I admit, I too am making the assumption that they are poor based on how people here behave.

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It never work in this way. It is lucky if you get $2-$3 when you lower to $10.
Also, 10 people means 10x support.


Really appreciate the feedback on this, thank you so much.

This is key. Never acquire more customers than you can support.

In fact I can share a story. In the first 2 years, we only had the commercial pricing of US$2,000 and up. This meant fewer customers to support, but more importantly the support they needed was highly specific and well thought out, well articulated and relevant to exactly the kind of problems were were looking to solve. We worked with the first few directly, sometimes solving particular shots for particular movies. This is excellent for both company and customer.

So while we want to reach more people, it’s important we are able to support the ones we reach. That’s how you know that if you can currently afford Ragdoll, you will get the support you deserve. And as we scale, the price will come down, but never at the expense of support.


I understand. I take back what I said then. I did not know you have such principles. It’s a rare sight these days. Every big company keeps lowering the level of support to their customers that it’s even hard to get in touch. I look forward to being your customer one day.


Next release is up, 2024.04.09!

And a new tutorial too, setting up a rig made with Auto Rig Pro!

As always, free trial is available here, and soon on Blender Market!

How has it gone so far? I would love to see what you’ve come up with so far using Ragdoll, it’s what gives me strength. :muscle: See you soon!

Does look like a fun tool, if i have a shoot or made a character i will try it out but i am still a bit confused about the 99 bucks for a version you basically cant use.

Its on blender market soon? Thats great because the payment options arent for European customers.

We are based in Europe too, UK. The currency on our website is in dollars, but it will automatically translate and display your local currency on checkout.

Well, i meant the credit card option. I dont have one and its not so common in Europe.

It also accepts debit card, but perhaps you are looking for e.g. PayPal or direct bank transfer? When you say Europe, can you be a little more specific? I find it a little odd to hear it is not common considering my experience as a European is the opposite, but I’d be happy to facilitate more options if you let me know what you are looking for.

Debit card might work, have not used it online.

Paypal jeah or anything else. Blendermarket has these options and its coming to it? Also good since then i have the addons in the same place and not scattered on a specific website.

Specifically the credit card is not very common, its getting more but the coin money is still pretty strong here. Some shops only accept the coin money.

I am from germany…

This is exactly what I needed. Thank you! I will buy it as soon as I start the animation process of my current project

It is impressive that the process is so simple with the amount of features this provides

One of the things I’ve find so useful having worked with ARP besides the rigging process is that it offers quite a lot of presets and tools like quickrick or remap that let’s you convert almost anything on the fly very fast

Would it be possible in the future to add some sort of preset that takes things like ARP hierarchy into consideration and can assing the controls semi-automatically to humanoids?

Manually doing most of this process and understanding it makes all the sense for main characters and important assets but then I started thinking, what if I wanted to just convert a dozen background characters for a crowd that appears on screen for a brief moment with not too much time to implement it

It would be very useful to take advantage of the collisions and interactions between the rigs, but not having to go so much into detail because they are background characters after all. It would be amazing to just click on an ARP rig that has IK controls, quickly get a mannequin depending on the amount of fingers, twist bones and all those characteristics ARP gives, with a standard size for the collision shapes that we have to adjust but with the constraints already set up depending on the bone name

I understand a lot of features we as user ask are often absurd, but taking a look at the bmap file for the retargeting process of ARP it seems a lot of the information for a rig would be very straightforward to get from the plugin, a lot of these definitions have remained unchanged for years, and this being the most sold thing on Blendermarket kinda makes sense for your product

Anyways. Thanks a lot, I will definitely get a license soon

PS: I almost forget, are you guys planning on eventually bringing locomotion for n-legged characters to blender in the future?

Hey @brenderbroli, thanks for the kind words. :slight_smile:

It’s not the first time we get this request, so let me share why it isn’t here yet and why we hesitate to introduce it. Then I’d love yours and the community’s input on it, because it is very much negotiable.

At the moment, someone experienced with Ragdoll can setup an entirely new rig in 5-10 minutes, less than 1 minute if you stick with only capsules and a handful of limits. The video above and others like it demonstrates this; if you remove my talking and explaining.

Having set the character up yourself, you’ll also have a complete understanding of it. Any further customisations would be identical to what you just did, and the fear of the unknown is dealt with early and quick.

On the other hand, having an automatic setup process for specific rigs introduces two new issues.

  1. It doesn’t remove the need to learn, it delays it
  2. It limits you to rigs that have these a preset

For (1), with learning delayed, you’ll now have to learn with much more going on at once; all limbs, all limits and all mesh shapes. Each of which could be the source of something to tune, like mass, movement, jitter etc. I see this a lot already on our forums, with animators skipping tutorials and diving right in with their 600 mb character rigs. :sweat_smile: Happily spending hours scratching their heads, in favour of the 10-20 minutes they’d need to run through a set of step-by-step tutorials.

For (2), now suddenly there is a huge gap between rigs we have presets for, and rigs that don’t. So now you’ll make decisions on what rigs to use simply because you lack the foundational knowledge to setup something on your own.

Instead, on our roadmap, is not automating this complexity, but to rid you of it. We’re working on tooling to let you rig characters in a not-so-different way from ARP, by starting with a geometry and clicking on it to determine rotation pivots. I expect we can make this far easier than any auto rigging tool out there. And unlike a traditional auto rigger, the resulting rig will also be far simpler to manage and work with. Very similar to what you already get from loading one of our default assets at the moment. The complexity of IK and space switching etc then falls on the interactive gizmos within the manipulator, you can already see traces of these tools in Live Mode at the moment.

So with this in mind, I’m keen to hear what you think!

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Hey thanks a lot for the insight

We’re working on tooling to let you rig characters in a not-so-different way from ARP, by starting with a geometry and clicking on it to determine rotation pivots. I expect we can make this far easier than any auto rigging tool out there. And unlike a traditional auto rigger, the resulting rig will also be far simpler to manage and work with. Very similar to what you already get from loading one of our default assets at the moment. The complexity of IK and space switching etc then falls on the interactive gizmos within the manipulator, you can already see traces of these tools in Live Mode at the moment.

That’s great news, and also a lot more of what I expected coming from future updates. It was the live mode in action what sold me the most so that’s amazing. I remember seeing a presentation last year on Bcon called Revolutionizing Rigs: Modern widgets for Character Animation with someone just clicking on parts of the body, but nothing involving this level of interaction.

But hey I completely understand the reasoning. But just to be completely clear, I didn’t want to jump the setup process completely, I expect to do that most of the time, but to be more precise what I really wanted was to have a lazy way to copy the same Ragdoll into a second rig that has the same definitions as the first one. If we boil it down to the bare minimum that would achieve the same goal, and that way it would ignore any particular considerations from other plugins, rigging systems and copy the same mannequin but into a rig with another name, but that has the same bone names basically.

I know it sounds a bit ridiculous given how fast you can set up stuff, but lately I’ve been concepting more and more on the fly and being able to see things with minimal time investment or friction has helped a lot.

But reading what you are working on, that’s way better! And as I said. As soon as I’m done modeling and working on assets I’ll buy this : )

Copying setups between character is definitely relevant, it just hasn’t been plugged in for Blender yet.

See here on how this would work.

That’s exactly it. Thank you