Sooo… this is my first blender project (i have general experience in 3D though). I was working on this one during my study of this awesome software. Well, it served its purpose, now i know blender much better. )
This is cute symbiosis of human bones and machinery used for police work in some weird society. It is never too late to join the police force. )
I was’t thought much of a design (although for every detail i had a purpose in my mind). As i mentioned, this project was more like blender-study thing. But i enjoyed doing all those detail. Working in blender is pure delight after 3ds max…
Modeled and textured with default tools and add-ons, mostly. Some models are quad-based, some created in non-subdivide technique… Skull and suit were sculpted. Unfortunately, with a mouse, so they are far from perfect. Renders are color corrected in compositor, minor post-work in Krita (vignette, kill some fireflies, little film grain).
I was using PC older than my grandpa (3GB RAM with ancient AMD Athlon II X3, no GPU) to create this dude. I was surprised, how great blender’s optimization is. At the end process was not smooth at all though… I was not able to render it at higher res with more samples, it would take forever with my hardware.
This project available for free to everyone, if you like it. https://gum.co/zRWU
If you’ll find it useful in any way, please consider donation. I really need to buy some RAM.
Well, tell me what you think, it would be much appreciated. )
Huge thanks to blender and it’s add-on developers, Krita developers, to hdrihaven.com, to great folks from pixabay.com. You guys are awesome.