Real Hair with Blender(final images and tut notes)OLD THREAD

when you say select 4 -four- verticles, what do youo mean? and what does “But you must close them more [first trick]” mean? what do I close, and how do I close it more???

Sorry if these are stupid questions that I dont understand…

There is better way of doing hair nowdays spiffyandy, they are called static particles, and you can fully harness them in Blender 2.40

Yeah Hippie. The new particle additions to 2.4 are a great. But as I see it this method is a lot more tedious but give you “real hair” that you can then export to other 3D animation packages. That is my primary use for blender animation and export. Not all packages or formats will recognize blender’s particles. So while this method is vert and filesize heavy, from just glancing at the method its an option if you have the time,patience and need to export.

what would using particals under the ‘real’ hair look like.

i mean, you could cut down on the vert count if you used the particals to add volume and used the more precise hair to add style. not to mention easier color variation. hmm Aleks try showing something like this in your next thread…
(im too deep in my own woes to try myself, for now)

great work…

Sorry I thought this was a dead thread.

spiffyandy, you must select four “vertical” vertices and
make them “be close” each other

I must agree with comments about using the new particle system to make hair

But… as Shaba1 mentioned, this (still) could be useful for some reasons

Sorry, but all the links are dead, and i really want to see it! Is there anyone that can post screenshots?