Real Time Animation - now free

Working with 2.9 ?

Yes , and also on 2.91

That’s a nifty addon. So much to play with. So little time.


Neat. I know you won’t since it’s just an update, but this is definitely an addon that has some incredible potential and would love update on it.

Propose your ideas, you never know, if I or another dev takes up the gauntlet…
I have always believed that the most important thing is the ideas, and for that it is not necessary to know how to program…

thanx i animated the zigzaggi path of a butterfly , with a few trys it was looking nice! with animation curves this would have been a real headache

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This apparently was a feature in an older version of Blender, as Gleb Alexandrov demonstrated it in his video on Youtube “Automatic Keyframe animation in realtime”.

Press the record button and ALT-A and then Blender would record all the object movements. Unfortunately, on 2.91 this does not work.

I HATE making accounts. But I had to make this one just to write you that I think that you are a AWESOME!!!(!!!) person. Really! Thank you(!) for porting this. I shower much luck and success on your existance from this day on(in case it is any different)

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PLEASE make it record geometry manipulation / growth in sculpt mode! Maybe only single/group vertext movement in edit mode??? If the other one is too hard…regardless still stoked.

The smooth follow seems to randomly work and then not work, I have checked the location and rotation, smooth follow is checked.
What button did I miss out ?

Is Motion trail part of this? Can’t find it on the left side panel.

help ,please! I use only blender2.7 for most work, but I can’t find the original verison ,only your 2.8 version found. Could you please send me the 2.62~2.7 version of the real-time animation addon? my email is: [email protected]

I can’t find the original verison ,now. Only 2.8 version can be found. Could you please send me the 2.62~2.7 version of the real-time animation addon? my email is: [email protected]

It seems that the original author’s website has been closed, luckily I have the latest version of the addon for blender versions lower than 2.80. (10.2 KB)